Chapter 43 - Strikes again

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Rosalie POV

Cold water splashed against my anxious face from my cupped hands, and I welcomed its way of going everywhere as I scoped out and reached for the navy-colored hand towel, causing droplets in a row to fall over the brown mosaic sink vanity. Darkness calmed me at the pressing touch of blue fuzz, allowing me time to breathe deeply into my core.

«Sal?» At the sound of a soft-spoken apologetic Elvis knocking with two light taps of his index finger, I listened in and lowered my towel to face my reflection in the mirror. I'd closed the door to his bedroom behind me and spent a good twenty minutes in his private bathroom—holding an intricate pieced-together wall and flooring that made you feel as if standing within a beautiful vase. All in caramel shades. «Honey, I still stand by what I said, but I shouldn't have been so harsh..» He lingered on his last word before taking a short breath. «Can you please come out and talk to me?»

Looking back at myself, I dropped the towel to the sink with a substantial splash. And just like that, I opened the door with bright huge marbled eyes scanning me as an unheard-of foreign object. Without a doubt, I'd noticeably surprised him with how easy it went getting me out of there. But I hadn't gone off to curse him out behind closed doors, at least not for the entire time. I didn't want to compete with the mirror's reflecting skills—but I sure had some too.

«I... I was a tad childish... Both then and now.» I admitted slowly, with my eyes suddenly busy with the patterned floor of tiny individual pieces of tiles. «But I still meant what I said, too,» I announced with a trying gaze, meeting him, worrying about what I'd see in him as I calmly shared my two cents from within. «You should find other ways of dealing with your emotions.»

«At least we agree on standing our ground.» He smiled, resigned. «Also, I think we resolved the issue of you not letting me take care of you in the dining room earlier. And... you let me in yesterday and didn't run from me no more. Except for this little bathroom trip of yours.» He amusingly remarked as he leaned his shoulder up against the doorframe.

His mood change put me at ease, and while his shoulders rested, mine fell into place. «No, I didn't.» Serving him with a hint of a smile as I walked past him between him and the doorframe, I felt a lightheartedness had settled in.

«You snored like hell, though.» He grinned, following me, teasing me with a glance of his blue that I was unable to read into as I turned abruptly. Horrified.

«I did not.» I declared insistently, pronouncing each word strong-minded. A growing panicked fury rose.

«Sure you did, if you don't want me to believe a bear snuck in and took your place.» On top of the world, he walked past me backward with loose movement and a never dropping grin—having the time of his life.

«You got a lot of nerve, Elvis.» Slowly shaking my head, I narrowed my eyes with a deadly effect.

«You know I like having a lot of everything.» He winked at me, referring to our first conversation over our late-night snack in June of last year. The night we met when he splashed out on the ketchup bottle.

Extremely happy with himself, he walked out of his bedroom, nearly gloating—only for me to chuckle at him. «Is that why you've such a big ego?»

He threw his head back, laughing. «Man, I thought I had you with that one, Sal, but she strikes again.»

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Elvis POV

Danger was written on her forehead when I looked back—up at the dark-haired girly walking two steps behind me. She had the guts to call me out, and even in a room of mostly strangers, she dared to ask the top gun for a moment alone.

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