Chapter 57 - Pink and white

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Dedicated topresleyhearted — Rose_______________________________

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Dedicated to
presleyhearted — Rose

To Rose — 🌹✉️ 🎂🎈🏞 🏍 🩹🎯👰‍♀️🌧 I know you'll get why I've chosen these emojis.

If there ever were a question I had, I've had you to count on since last November. You have been my Elvis expert, whom I have gone to many times for help.

You have brought an uncountable amount of smiles to my face—both through seeing your journey through GoM, your support, and your jump into publishing your story, Yours Truly, on Wattpad. I know how you have had that story in your mind since last summer, falling into the admiration of Elvis at the same time. And I can't thank you enough for posting and creating a dreamscape of an escape. Your writing holds the feeling of magic in a charming, whimsical way that is filled with soul and spirit. And that doesn't just come from the plot itself but from how it holds magic within its emotions. If I felt down, I could open your book, and it would all be better. Calm my heart.

I hadn't read any Elvis fanfictions since starting GoM this past summer. It felt weird to think of reading about the person you had made into your own character. And I told you I would be right there if I had a change of heart. And I am so glad I did. You made me fall in love with him again, seeing his person from the outside looking in again. And what it has given me is a piece of a fairytale that brightens up my day.

Nova is that character you could see yourself in. And with her story and the people close to her making her face the things I most certainly have struggled with myself, it has pushed me to make changes.

Your presence in my life has given me the spark. The spark to write, knowing you'd read it. Questioning if you'd think Elvis would say something like that or not. See what you'd say to happenings, knowing you knew what would go down in his life. You have given me a space to go whenever I just need to dream while awake. Because Yours Truly, is that book that can do that. And I hope you see how wonderful that is.

Now... onto why I chose this chapter for you. This chapter is dedicated to you because it holds many settings and different scenes. And you, Rose, are a master at painting those within your words. You make each location vastly unique and build scenes in an awe-inspiring way. No wonder you make it feel like a dream—because it feels conjured up in the most out-of-this-world ways.

Thank you, Rose, ☺️🍃🌻🌹⭐️✨


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