Chapter 28 - Greater strength

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This next chapter will address racism through statements stated in the media back in 1956. The statements' dates do not match up with their real-life dates, as they're changed to fit into the story.

With a reminder of the story taking place is the 1950s—this was a time of inhumane segregation laws. The color of your skin could deny you access to restaurants, busses, schools, jobs, park benches, restrooms etc. Though this is written with the perspective of the 1950s, racism is still highly present today, and there is a long way to go to better our understanding of the matter and gain equality for all.

Going into this chapter, I want to ensure your that I want to handle this topic with great care. Like spoken of earlier in Girl Of Mine, I find it hard to know if it's portrayed in the right way and spoken of in a correct manner. I would greatly appreciate it if any reader feels like I'm at all handling this the wrong way; either comment or send me a PM on Wattpad to educate me on how I could better my understanding and represent the vital awareness of racism.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this introduction.


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Rosalie POV (Sal)

The 4th of February.

«Elvis showed off his Pelvis in LAS VEGAS CLUB - and apparently shared his Pelvis with Vegas up and coming new singer.»

As the unfolded newspaper prided my kitchen table, my eyes widened in disbelief before I felt like puking—folding it back to spare my eyes from the picture of one sweaty Elvis dragging a girl into his car to drive off to God knows where. His eyes looked absolutely smashed, with hands all over her. Opening the kitchen cabinet door, I threw the paper with its God-awful article in the trash just as my dad coughed behind me.

«Was that today's paper?» He asked, frowning, puzzled until he saw the look on my face as I turned. Undeservingly my dad got my look of rage sent his way, and his composure changed. «What now?» He asked worriedly, but with a very fine line between wanting to understand and being ticked off.

Refusing to answer, I walked past him with a trying stone face. «Nothin'. I'm off to work.» I said, reaching for my black coat, determined to get out before this went any further.

My dad being my dad, didn't take any nonsense, though. Bending down to fish the paper out of the trash, he put on the glasses he had in his striped blue shirt pocket. Smacking his lips provoked, his eyes traveled the front page while I tried my best to get going fast. «Honey, did that man break your heart?» He asked, with an uncanny resemblance to what you may think a Mafia boss sounded like.

Like someone had stopped time and frozen us in place, I thought back to when I came home and told my parents Elvis had to head back the very next day after that first cold night at the mansion. I thought of all the girls Elvis fake dates for the press and how he's so easily smitten by girls all over. He may have never touched Natalie because he previously told me when he had his small infatuations, but nothing made me believe Elvis didn't take that girl to bed. He was way too touchy-feely in that image for me to believe the press could perfectly arrange such an image. And if it against all odds didn't happen, it made no difference. I had my wall up, luckily. Rebuilt and stronger, I convinced myself.

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