Chapter 26 - The real truth, Sal

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Rosalie POV (Sal)

He had kept getting closer and closer to me, and for a great wall built-up by Wendell, I saw a crack. It scared the hell out of me because I knew I could never let myself go through tearing down that wall for Elvis.

I had felt at peace with Elvis being a dear friend while he had his June, his Natalie, his Debra, and his Las Vegas showgirl showing up in tabloids in December. I usually didn't have a problem with how close we were. In fact, I never even second-guessed it. But, in that moment with him yesterday carefully caressing my cheek, I found myself not so certain of what we were. Seeing the possibility of even being something else shook me.

Not knowing how to handle spending the day with Elvis, I could feel guilt thrive inside of me as I stepped out and walked over to Elvis's door. Suppressing my many questions for Elvis and the rising fear, I knocked on the door. Without noticing any steps of him coming over, the door was opened—making me flinch as he appeared into my sight. With one hand holding onto the edge of the door and an elbow resting at the frame, the sight of him in high-waisted black paper bag pants and an unbuttoned grey pajama shirt caught me off guard.

Quickly drawing my eyes away, Elvis cleared his throat and started buttoning his shirt. «Sorry.» His groggy morning voice said.

Daring to look his way again, heavy bags were under his eyes. This whole thing had affected him, too, I could tell. «It's.. ah.. okay.» I said while stroking a lock of hair behind my ear, giving him a gentle smile. Nodding, he gave me a smile of his own—his one much more relaxed than mine.

Walking over to lean back against the white railing, with my back facing out to the downstairs living room, I crossed my arms and watched him follow behind. Closing the door behind him, he came up beside me to lean over the railing, resting his forearms with folded hands in front of him. Gazing at his hands, strands of his dark hair fell to his forehead—escaping his loosely swooped back locks. «Listen, Sal... I,» Elvis began to say with a lot of thought living within the sound of his three stated words. «I didn't mean to..» He continued before I interrupted him, steadily carrying my voice.

«I just got embarrassed, Elvis. I felt uncomfortable... because you made a big deal out of my silly unlucky accident.» I lied, sounding a lot more confident than I saw myself—needing this never to be spoken of again.

Elvis's expression changed from exhausted and thoughtful to utterly dumbfounded. I knew my sorry excuse was a stretch, but I didn't have any other idea of what to tell him. To lead him off course and fool him, that none of it had to do with our relationship. «I... I think I have the right to worry about you, Sal.» Elvis sharply fired back, suddenly making it the perfect excuse as the whole conversation switched to be about something else.

«The right to worry about me?» I said, perplexed—overly sounding as if what he talked of was absurd. «If there ever is something I need you to worry about, I'll tell you, Elvis,» I said, both defending myself and reassuring him I was fine. Expressing myself as if he got on my nerves, the lies kept piling on.

«Yeah, cause' that has worked out so well up until now.» He chuckled, smiling ironically, shaking his head with his eyes holding onto the ground—the living room on the first floor. «Who do you think you're foolin', Sal? Ha? You never let me in on things until I figure them out on my own.»

«I don't need you to figure it out on your own. I need you to trust me.» I pushed forward—trying to convince him of my false truth. Telling him to trust someone I didn't even trust myself.

«Funny, not that long ago, I thought of you as the most honest person I'd ever met. But, the real truth, Sal, is that you have shut me out.» He said, clearly aggravated but undermining it with his ironic gestures.

«What do you want me to do!» I exclaimed, releasing my folded arms to throw them out in front of me. Hands flat—knowing I'm in the wrong but too far gone to reconcile. Sounding and feeling so far gone into irrational thinking, my insides stormed with emotions—coping with my spoken lies as a child.

«For fucks sake, Sal,» Elvis loudly shot back, standing up to ruffle his hair at the edge of peak annoyance with me. Leaving us with a steady tension, he walked off past me downstairs. «I need some air.»

Hearing the front door slam shut, shaking the very floor underneath me, my eyes closed as a bodily reaction to the vibration. With my eyes open again, I felt heat rising to the top of my head. Infuriated with both Elvis and myself, I couldn't really get a hold of what lay in my anger or where it came from. I ran down the very same steps as him, fetched my keys from the table, and strode over the patio as frosty air hit my heated skin.

As if eying the finish line, straight ahead for my car, I nearly ran. In the corner of my eye, I picked up on Elvis, stopping on his way downhill—watching me. His composure was as tensed up as can be, with the grey clouds and bright light putting a spotlight on him. It seemed the winter wonderland of yesterday turned to show the fallen life of last year's summer and spring today. It's all about your perception of the world. Ignoring him, I got in the car to slam the door. There was no delay in how I handled myself. Shooting the key in place, with the motor rumbling, I backed up to take a U-turn. My eyes watered as I turned my back on Elvis. A deep stomach pain was taking place.


Author's note:
And there you have it—their first fight went down, and it didn't end too pretty. With Elvis standing back, watching her run, Sal did what she said she wouldn't do just the night prior.

What are your thoughts on their fight? Can you understand Elvis' frustration with her, or do you see why Sal felt like she had to lie? Mainly due to how she worded herself, which was... not good—I see why Elvis is frustrated with her. He doesn't know what's happening. All he sees is her pushing him away, while he wants to be there. And then she ran... She just wants to avoid the whole thing, so she could keep her wall up and pretend it was all about something else. That the way she reached had nothing to do with the possibility of seeing more than a friend in each other. And then she also protects herself with what she's going in to fight about.

Gauravaaditya  You got your internal angst and drama 😉

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Thank you 💕❤️💕
Your lovely support has meant so much. Thank your for 4K reads on Girl Of Mine. I'm just sitting here mind blown by how this is possible. There is no way of thanking you enough for giving love to this book. Sal and Elvis, their story, it has brought me so much joy and I remember thinking I just wanted one person to read the book, so that they could have seen their world. The immense support I've gotten is unimaginable. It feels like walking around in a haze, not understanding how so many has read my book and that I've found the most lovely people and friends on here. Thank you <333

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(Chapter 26/64)
Slightly edited with Grammarly.


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