Chapter 41 - Oh, sweet girl

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* chapter music *- Gentle On My Mind -Elvis Presley

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* chapter music *
- Gentle On My Mind -
Elvis Presley


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Elvis POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck went through my mind as I dazed into the awakened's world, feeling Sal's arm around me. A warm breath from the petite frame I'd now shared the fleeting night hours with co-existed with mine. My own breath evaporated into the scope of nothing, roaming the space between four walls. While hers made use of the non-existing space between us. The space we made sure of was there when we fell asleep. With the attained brush of her breath on my neck, she consumed my time, putting my willingness to act in limbo. I just laid there for a good minute or two, taking in the sight of her gentle arms in my shirt and petite hand holding onto my bare chest—tangled with me. Feeling her up against my back as I felt the rush of a lifetime, I had no way of convincing myself otherwise anymore.

Light as a feather, I tried not to shake as I lifted her arm with three fingers and slipped out of bed. Walking across the room with hands going deep into my hair, I wanted to tear it out. Shoot something or throw something. The insides of my brain boiled like the sloppy spaghetti I stapled Sal's climbing abilities as once upon a time. Whereas I should have been more concerned with her capacity to crawl onto me. The terror of turning to steal another look at the girl sleeping in my bed dawned upon me.

I was so God damn in love with her.

I had tried to get out of the room yesterday. I let go of her; I kept my distance as soon as we entered my room. Getting her in here, I realized we had to sleep at some point, and I honestly needed to get out of there as fast as I possibly could.

From finding a shirt, fixing the bed, and talking to a very silent Sal, she just stood there with my shirt in her hands. I knew she needed me. I knew there was a chance of her asking me to stay with her. I could see she needed someone with her tremendously when she fell apart with me by the car.

Avoiding and denying had become my second nature, but God, I could not leave her pleading. I couldn't bear watching her big doe-eyes trembling as she spoke. Repeating I was only watching out for her in my thoughts, I climbed into that bed with her.

My bed. Sal was in my bed. A delighted shiver went through me, making me swear all sorts of things on the inside. I was so screwed.

Dressed in just blue striped pajama pants, I snagged my pants and t-shirt left on the floor from last night. Only taking time to change into them until after I'd gotten out of the room—as if running away from an all-consuming tornado. Nearly tripping while balancing on one foot, I stumbled across the hall. One foot in, the other miscalculated—dodging and staying clear of the pants' leg. Gone with the wind, a flimsy scarecrow would have done a better job of getting its pants on.

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