Chapter 55 - Last words of love

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* chapter music *- Unchained Melody -Elvis Presley

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* chapter music *
- Unchained Melody -
Elvis Presley


Going into this chapter, know that it is short, with a word count of about 1k. The other part of the chapter consists of images and newspaper headlines.

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Rosalie POV

The 5th of July, 1957

Timid fingers worked on his tie, feeling as if they weren't mine. His chin hung, but his hair wouldn't buck, ceiled back with grease—styled and shaped in honor of how Judy did her hair.

His Adam's apple moved beneath my fingers—constraining himself. Flickering, I met his eyes as we both decided to search for each other's blue. His eyes were no less beautiful but consumed with grief—not seeing a sign of how brightly he oozed of life on the regular.

With no time given to dry eyes, his sweet disposition shared a minute of his time with me. Air particles floated in the sight of daylight, sneaking in between the crease of shut bedroom curtains. The glint of lighter spots at his cheek and temple gave way to see the faint feathery appearance of facial hair. The ones at every inch of your body, nearly looking white in the remembrance of the light brown color of his hair that once was—before he started coloring it.

Light to touch, I rested my hands on his chest and stroked my way to those very cheeks of his. One in the sun, and the other hid by a shadow and pulled him close. Soft as a cloud, I lovingly put my lips to his forehead while closing my eyes—letting the darkness in.

Come to an end; my lips vanished from him as I lifted them away at a lumbering pace due to heaviness that couldn't be seen outside of within. Elvis quickly took action. Beside himself, he put his hands over mine at the mere move of their fall—keeping me at his cheeks. Distinct pressure held onto me when frantic eyes went into mine as I once again saw him. «I know... I know you're mad at me.» He said with the force of his fierce fighting hands as if I would wither away if he lost me for even one second.

At the hard shut of my eyes; I couldn't take it. Seeing Elvis like this hurt more than I think he could ever understand. «Shhh... Don't.»

His grasp of my hands tightened, lessening the space between us even more; his torment with this became apparent. «Red told me...»

Arisen, my jaw moved, shaking from side to side. I stopped a the tilt of my head as I affectionately met his beyond-troubled state of mind. «Elvis, don't think about that right now.»

Salt-filled water ran down my fingers as it overflowed. The extra push came when Elvis' eyes closed, locking not just the world out—but the rest of his build-up dam. Letting go of his, my cheek moved in to occupy his chest, and his arms wrapped around my neck—accepting it was a time for everything.

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