Chapter 12 - Daredevil

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Rosalie POV (Sal)

We came to a halt about a five-minute walk from Elvis's car. Elvis's hand reached for my shoulder and got a hold of me.

«We're here.» He said, grinning like a little boy planning to pull a prank on his mother, and instead of confessing—he amusingly waited for her to figure it out.

The wind had been strong today. So when I turned my head to figure out what in the world Elvis was up to, my hair got in the way—covering my face and getting in my mouth. I was annoyed, to say the least. There had been nothing but sand and wind and a few buildings near the beach. The dark sand and lively ocean were stunning, but I just knew that Elvis was up to no good.

As my eyes and mouth finally were free of hair and the funny guy beside me stopped laughing at my windy disaster, my eyes found a very yellow-colored building. It wasn't what caught my eyes, though—It was rather the roof of the house, with a big sign that said Bob's Wheel Rental. Its wall-sized windows and shiny motorcycles on display told me this would be wild.

«You're crazy,» I stated as Elvis chuckled and took hold of my second shoulder, pushing me forward.

«You better believe I am.» He said, in all seriousness.

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As we walked through a glass door with blue edges, the salty scent of an ocean mixed with a new car hit us. It rang loud and clear in the bell above us, alerting a man with big oily hands coming out from the backroom. He lifted his chin to gaze up at the tall frame of Elvis, and like Elvis, he had sideburns. Though, he did not have luck in the top-head apartment, with his bald top head and ring of hair. 

The vehicle rental shop consisted of one simple large room with more bikes and motorcycles than I had ever seen in one place. Some looked cheap, while others were high-end. Looking at the back of Elvis's lushes hair, he finally let go of me. His attention were on the shiny creations around us. He truly was more than excited about this—He was ecstatic. With his reaction, on the one hand, I, on the other hand, could feel my heart's want to jump out of me.

«Welcome.» The man in his fifties said friendly enough as he dried off his hands on a once-upon-a-time white cloth. «Anything I could help you with? Looking for a beach ride today for you and your lady?» He asked with a nonchalant salesman voice.

Astonished, it looked like he had no clue he was talking to Elvis Presley. Elvis looked relieved too. He was far more than well-known in America, but not everyone got caught up in the limelight of celebrities. At his very best age, a man living for wheels had other things taking up his time.

«Yes, Sir, we'd like to rent two motorcycles and a couple of helmets. She could need a lesson as well.» Elvis very politely asked the rental owner.

I felt like my face got a shade lighter. There was no way I could do this, was there? For one, I had never been on a motorcycle. Second, how could we ride on sand?

«Elvis...» I started saying, but he just gazed behind himself and smirked.

«It's okay, Sal. It's fun. I promise.» He whispered, with such a charming way of tone—almost making me believe him.

I knew I was tough. I had no problems jumping from heights into a big ocean or throwing myself in the lake by the summer mansion. The problem was; I knew how to make the sea catch me at ten meters heights, with no danger whatsoever for me. However, if I crashed and smashed my face falling off a motorcycle, going who knows how many miles per hour—I would be screwed. Finished off to rest in peace—With my parents left to tell the unbelievable story of going under next to Elvis Presley. Who in the world would believe that?

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