Chapter 3 - Suspicious Minds

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Rosalie's POV (sal)

In the middle of the chaos of the moving crowd, I could spot Rachel. For the first time this night, I felt something other than triumph. With tears streaming down her youthful cheeks and red eyes, it dawned on me that I'd left the other girls heartbroken in front of thousands of people. Immense shame crept upon me. Oh, I felt ill.

I could've told them beforehand about all of this, but in my journey to the perfect revenge, I didn't stop to think. All I craved was for Wendell not to have a chance with any girl in this town ever again. The news of his betrayal would travel like wildfire during the heat season, as almost every teenager was present. All coming to catch a glimpse of the rocketing star Elvis Presley.

Regina was already long gone, it seemed. At the same time, Stephanie had managed to sneak away without me noticing. She knew about all of this. I had shared my thoughts about everything 'Wendell' for two years. She even knew about my future baby names for Wendell's and my future kids. My hatred for her and Wendell had just grown so large the last two months that I just forgot others' feelings would be hurt too. Well, I knew they would also feel betrayed by the fool, but I didn't think through how this reveal would affect them. God, I needed to go by Rachel's house and apologize, maybe even write her a letter. Even the angry Regina should get an apology letter. Stephanie could go fuck herself, though.

When all was said and done, I couldn't do much about how I chose to do this. It had already happened. Watching the moving cue go out of the theatre as the night was ending, I stood still. All their voices erupted into buzzing as the sudden drop of adrenalin had stunned me. My fixation with excessive planning, searching, and building up to tonight for two months was over. Exhaustion took over my every limb as I realized I had nowhere to be tomorrow.

Turning around to get home, I almost bumped into someone. Looking up, I met the most jovial crooked smile under a big nose and strong chin. Caught off guard, I stepped back, wanting to get out of the way and head home. «Sorry.» I apologized, distressed.

«Ma'am!» His round voice called after me, getting a hold of my shoulder, startling me. «Scotty here. Sorry to frighten you. Elvis wants to meet ya'.» He shouted in my ear, leaning in to ensure I heard him over the moving crowd heading home.

Stupefied, I inspected him as my mind tried to get a hold of reality. Fighting between thoughts of having no future, Wendell, the girls, and the dog-like boy in front of me mentioning Elvis—I was at a loss for words.

Realizing I was not quite there, his smile softened as he leaned in. «Elvis wants to meet you.» He repeated with his accent toned down and voice crystal clear.

«Elvis, Elvis Presley?» Getting it this time, I questioned him suspiciously. Pushing Wendell out of my consciousness, I got back on Planet Earth—realizing the boy had sought me out, and I didn't just bump into someone by accident. It felt like another reality collided with mine as I played his words back. Widening my eyes, I couldn't fathom Elvis Presley himself had requested for someone to come get me.

«I'm not foolin' ya. Come with me.» He said, still near my ear, before leaning back with a steady smile—his composure relaxed and nowhere near my building neurotic face. Everything about him told me he had seen this exact look on many others before me.

Waving me to him as he started walking backward, I followed. «You didn't get it earlier, but I'm Scotty. Elvis's guitar player.» He smiled crookedly once again.

«I'm Sal.. or Rosalie, really.» I introduced myself, following his lead. «Why does he want to meet me?» I uttered, perplexed as I caught up with him, walking side by side.

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