Chapter 27 - LAS VEGAS Hound dog

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* chapter music *_____________________________

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* chapter music *

This chapter includes two belonging soundtracks announced farther into the chapter. These are immensely important and the chapter is written with these songs in mind—setting the mood.



Elvis POV

The 3rd of February.

Glaring at my TV, Red and my robust pal Lamar turned their shocked eyes to me. My ears were still ringing as my dull stare looked at the shattered hole that had spread cracks to all sides of the screen.

«You really just shot a TV again?» Red exclaimed, tired of my sulky mood. Dumping his ass down on the couch to the left side of me, I threw the gun at the coffee table. «Hey, watch it, Grumpy! I actually like being whole.» He said, a little more than annoyed with me.

«You chose to come by Red.» I rolled my eyes at him, reaching for the wired remote to turn on the TV next to the one I shot. In all, there were two TVs with bullets somewhere in them and a broken lightbulb on the floor in the corner of the tiny living room of my hotel suite, leaving a useless lamp on the wall shelf.

I hadn't realized it, but I really only had two moods now. Annoyance and anger, then more annoyance if you looked closely.

«So, June finally dumped your ass E.P,?» Lamar chuckled in the one armchair in the room. Red shook his head, itching his forehead with his index finger, knowing this had to do with Sal.

«No.» I muttered, ignoring both of them from now on. I knew Red wanted to laugh, and it was a grave mystery I hadn't thrown him out yet. Red and the Colonel were the only ones that knew of my relation to Sal. The Colonel, for obvious reasons, while Red had picked me up at Regina's rented cabin. Bill and Scotty never knew I saw Sal more than once last summer and met her for that fake interview setup.

Getting up, I tossed the remote to the side of the couch. «You can stay or come with. I'm heading out to Vegas.»

God, why did Sal have to be so fuckin' difficult?

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