57. Marry me

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Caesar's POV

As soon as the words left her mouth, I had already strutted to the said door that read room 359 and I had straightaway opened the door, matching in and walking into a nurse and a doctor, I suppose.

"Sir we'll call you once all her vitals have stabilized." The man I assumed to be the doctor said.

"The heck!" I barked startling them. "How is she, why is she asleep?" I was loosing it. My Marvelous Chloe looked like a dead person. I couldn't see her heartbeat. She laid still on the bed as if that would make me keep my cool.

"She's going to wake up, we injected her with a strong drug but she'll be okay." She had a huge bump on her forehead which made me curse out loudly.

"How is she?" I was trying, they should have seen how hard I was trying to keep my cool.

"She's fine, she had a minor concussion and I think she was in shock when they brought her here. She's almost waking up. The baby is okay too, I'm glad she was rushed here soon enough, with the bleeding, we could have lost them both." The doctor explained loosing me altogether.

"A baby you say?" I carefully questioned him and he just nodded as if that is enough to explain everything.

"Which baby? We just had sex today after 4 months, has a baby been formed already? You can't be serious!" My mind was clogged per se. Maybe I heard my own things.

"That is the thing sir, she's around 17 weeks pregnant." The nurse explained making my eyes pop out as I looked at the woman on the bed just in time as her eyelids fluttered open.

"You're lying." She said softly as her eyes closed again, surprising me. I was supposed to go to her, hug her for waking up or question her about it. She might have known, 17 weeks are too many not to know.
"I only missed my period last month and I knew I was safe since I wasn't doing it and besides my cycle is irregular." She said in a low voice with her eyes shut.

Chloe was awake and we weren't acknowledging the fact, we were all shocked. The nurse's mouth gave her away but the doctor cleared his throat,

"It happens sometimes, but I'm sure the time you had your period it wasn't like your usual period, it was more of blood stains right?" The doctor asked, turning to face Chloe who opened her eyes, took time to lift her hand and feel the bump on her forehead before she cringed, her body went rigid as she thought of it.

"It lasted a day and I assumed it was because I was stressed at the time." She responded gracefully not like someone who was in an accident and almost bled to death.

"Oh I see." The doctor said and then hummed for a second. "It's the reason why you didn't notice, I mean because of the stress you mentioned, you also affected the baby. You didn't give her a safe environment to grow and you weren't eating healthy meals." The doctor made his observations taking down the notes on the clipboard he had.

Her eyes this time shifted to mine and she gave me a mean look which almost made my shock fade away. It was one of those infamous glares of hers, and then she pointed a finger at me,

"It's because of him." She still kept her glare on me making a smile stretch on my lips.

The doctor cleared his throat awkwardly as the nurse stifled her laugh. "Well, I'm going to give you some vitamins you're going to take and you're going to choose a hospital you'll be going to for antenatal check ups.

"Here." She said immediately making the doctor let out a chuckle.

I couldn't object since it was the greatest private hospital in Bronx.

"I think you've taken the news greatly than most people given that you just found out now. I think we'll give you two some privacy and ..." He turned to look at me, " She only has that swelling on her forehead. The internal bleeding she had in her stomach had been sorted out and now she'll just need two to three days of recovery. You might take her home tomorrow but for tonight we'll have to keep a close eye on her incase of anything else. Thank you, I'll be back in an hour or so." With that they left leaving the room to us.

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