30. Could stay like this forever.

24 5 0

Chloe's POV

"Hey." I gushed lowering myself beside Caesar on the coach.

"Hey." He replied back smiling as he lifted his hand and tucked the loose strand of hair on the side of my face behind my ear.

"How are you doing?" I asked scanning his face and I observed that he had dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm... uh... good?" He trailed his lips twitching slightly.

"Caesar don't you think you overwork yourself a little bit much?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm used to working Marvelous." He took my hands in his. "You shouldn't worry about it."

Well, I Knew I shouldn't worry but I couldn't help it.

"I went to see Mr and Mrs Johnsons today." I blurted out.

"What? When? Who were you with?"

I knew he'll react that way, more reason to why I didn't want to tell him about it.

"We also did the final touches at the restaurant." I added trying to change the subject.

"I Know about the restaurant, it should be launched before the end of next week, pick the date for it's grand opening. But why didn't you tell me you were going to see Mr and Mrs Johnsons? I could have gone with you."

I bit my lip looking away. "We barely saw each other in the past three weeks. You were away on a business trip and when you were back you were always buried in your work. I didn't find the perfect time to ask you about that."

"Look at me Marvelous." He demanded. "I'm talking to you Chloe." His voice raised up slightly and I momentarily shot my head up at his changed tone.

"I was just one call away. I'll stop anything to be with you, to help you..." He trailed looking at me intensely.

"Caesar." I breathed his name out.

"Who took you there?" He asked in an angry tone.


" Jesus Chloe!" He growled out loudly. "Those two are so angry at you, if they were able to kill our parents---"

"Caesar am okay, they are in different prison cells, I just wanted to pour my anger at them and I think am okay after the yelling I did---"

"You what?!" His eyes bulged out.

"I was taken out, I only visited Mrs Johnson anyway."

He sighed heavily shaking his head. "And?" He raised a brow.

"I came back home, distracted myself with cooking." I replied looking away.

"So that's why you cooked lots of food?"

"I guess."

We both fell into uncomfortable silence and then he spoke up first;

"Are you okay?" He asked squeezing my hands, his tone soft now.

"I feel somehowly fine, I'm okay." I looked at him nodding.

"Let's take you to sleep." He suggested standing up.

"You need it more."


"What else? Sleep of course." I rolled my eyes.

He snorted picking up a remote from the coach, switched off the TV and then he pulled my hand as he started jogging up the mass of stairs dragging me along.

"I'm tired!" I wheezed as we stopped at the top.

He smirked at me when I bent down  crouching my stomach as I panted heavily.

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