46. Painful discovery

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Chloe's POV

It was now around 11 a.m and I'd just woken up with sore eyes since the most part of my night was filled with whys and sobs. I don't know how I'd fallen asleep but one thing I remembered was the fact that Cherry hadn't slept either. She was my good support system throughout the night and I wouldn't regret ever coming to Bronx because Bronx did give me a best friend. A sweetest one for that.

I'd wondered how she'd managed to wake up earlier than me, but we're talking about Cherry Banley, nothing is too surprising with her, I should have known that by then. And the fact that she wasn't around to be seen, I wouldn't have been surprised if I found out that she'd gone after her brother.

As I was brushing my teeth after taking a not so keen shower in Cherry's room, my eyes dragged themselves to the girl in front of me, in the mirror. The girl looked so defeated, sleep deprived with swollen eyes and the well rested face that always greeted me back when I looked at myself in the mirror, it was now replaced with a face that seemed to have gone through desserts of problems. It seemed like all my sadness from the past had come back and it had bottled up with my shattered heart and before I knew it, I was already full on sobbing again.

I couldn't stop myself, I just let out a gut wrenching cry as I cradled the towel around my body tightly. If I were to be asked for anything in that moment, I would have asked for the pain I was feeling to be taken away, I'd never felt like that my whole life, not even when I found out about the real killers of my parents, this was different and I totally wouldn't have wished it on anyone for that matter.

I'd cried for about thirty minutes when I decided to at least have the decency of clothing myself. I took one of Chloe's chiffon dress which was Paige in colour. It was a beautiful dress but my sorrows didn't allow me to major on that fact. I was about to call Cherry and ask her where she'd gone when I heard a knock on the door.

I hesitated but the knocking went on. I decided to check, it could have been the workers around the hotel, I hope it wasn't Caesar and I knew Caesar all too well, he wasn't a patient man, he'll knock and send his ass in without waiting for a response even.

I wish I hadn't opened...

I was met by the redheaded from the previous night and she had the audacity to smile at me.

"Hey!" She beamed. I looked at her weirdly and her bright smile shimmered. "Uh oh, are you okay?Oh my God, you look pale." She moved closer, bringing the back of her hand to my forehead. I don't know why I didn't react, I just stood there giving her the meanest eye I know but the bitch had seen worse I can say.

"Your temperature is okay ---"

"Excuse me, who are you and why are you here?" My mouth wasn't tied anymore I guess now, my hands were in fists on my sides but I'd tried all my best not to show it.

"Oh sorry!" She chuckled awkwardly before adding almost immediately, "I know you're Caesar's sister and I was going to give Caesar this earlier but I forgot, I think I can leave it with you." I eyed the envelope hardly as I let the word sister sink in. The audacity of this woman! Earlier? Which earlier God?!

"Okay, have it then." She pushed the envelope into my hands after forcing my hands out of fists because of curiosity. I shone her a weak smile before dismissing her,

"He'll get them."  I went to close the door but she raised a finger,

"I know you don't know me but I really hope you'll be at least less bitter the next time we see each other."
With that she turned on her heels, and I on the other hand, slammed the door shut before sliding my back down on it.

The next time we see each other? What did she mean by that?? Without wasting myself on thinking for the possible impossibilities, I plucked the envelope and turned it upside down on the floor, pouring all the contents in it out.

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