42. Naples.

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Chloe's POV

I could feel heat sipping in, as if someone was holding something hot slightly above my body. That made me turn around only to be met my an intense amount of light being casted upon my eyes. Mind you, my eyes were closed. When I tried squinting one eye open, I groaned out distastefully.


I slowly opened both of my eyes this time in confusion. The sun was looking down on me through the vast windows like a burning ball in the sky flashing its powerful light all around the room.

And I suddenly sat upright my eyes frantically zooming around the room. I was in a panic mode, my heart was thumping so hard again my chest, anyone close could hear its beats.

The room was exquisite and so big but given the state I was in, I didn't have it in me to admire the sleekness of everything, like let's say the glassy walls, the colourful chandeliers above my head, the enormous bed I was sitting on, the marble floor...

And now I was sweating when suddenly the door to that room swung open revealing a grinning Cherry. And now I was even more confused but before I could open my mouth to ask anything, everything started clicking in.

We were on the plane, I was so delighted and then I thanked Caesar, kissed him, told him I loved him before I faked to be asleep. Then I think the whole faking thing backfired on me in around three minutes time and I drifted off.

That's all I remember.

"See who's awake now, aaawwwnnn." I was now trying to calm my raging heart before I could find it in me to handle Cherry.

She matched across the room and threw herself on the bed making us both bounce up. Ughhhh... I don't know why I felt like punching her on the face.

"You sleepyhead!" She exclaimed tugging me down with her on the mattress. My Goodness, I was completely drained, I couldn't even lift my hand to unwrap her hands from my neck. " We're in Naples can you believe it!" She whispered in my ear and I could hear the enthusiasm in her voice.

"Mmmmmm..." I responded still trying to absorb everything. Wait Naples, in Italy? That made my senses perk up. And I felt blood rushing to my veins and my energy was sure back. And so I pushed Cherry off me and ran towards the vast glassy walls that I thought were windows first. I looked down and my mouth went agape.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked. Everything looked amazing. And I guess we were in a beach hotel. Everything outside looked just picturesque. The beach!

I could feel Cherry breathing on my neck, observing whatever I was observing am sure, like the seashore at a distance, the trees near the sea like arms reaching to the heavens and rocks solid, but with smooth polished surfaces being hit with large waves that did bring the sound of thunder to my ears. With many people doing activities or lying down and relaxing on the silky sands as they carried smiles on their faces. What better place to be than at some hotel beach in Naples? I sighed loudly and in contentment.

"Where's he?" I asked my eyes now on the sand that looked like soft grains of rice and the sea water which was as blue as the sky, my God, I just wanted to live there for life.

"Who? Your baiiibeee??!!" She dragged teasingly.

I turned around giving her a mean eye. And she raised her hands up in surrender. "Whooaah! I'm just..." She trailed shrugging her shoulders, "You know... but he left for a seminar he has here in Naples and ordered me not to wake you up. But you've slept for so long, and I didn't wake you up I swear, I just drew those curtains and left you there sleeping like a baby." She pouted. And then I saw Caesar in her. Their mouths were carved almost the same. I almost kissed her even.

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