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Caesar's POV

Now that my meeting with Mr Edward  had come to an end and I'd closed the deal that had been incessant on my mind over a week, I felt like I can breath easily and all I had to do was pack up and go spend a night with my Marvelous.

The smile on my face was so huge as I passed my employees at the lobby, marching to my car with graceful long strides. I couldn't wait to get home. Home felt like home even much more now that I had Chloe and Anley.

I never even imagined becoming a dad and honestly it has never felt more blissful before. I liked every bit of being Anley's dad and I loved the fact that everyone had accepted and welcomed her warmly. And my forgiving marvelous had loved her even deeper, I felt it, more reason to why I loved her even more.

I'd revved up my engine, moved past my parking lot and now on the road when my phone speakers blared with loud music. I usually use a vibrator mode, what the! It was that cunning Chloe. I took time to listen to 'pillow talk' by Zain and the sexual innuendo in that ringtone had taken my mind farther away and that's how I even forgot to take the call that happened to be from Martha.

I'd promised myself to call her immediately I was at at the stop lights but my phone blared again with another music but sadly I couldn't even guess the singer, it was a dirty song with so many sexual innuendos and the fact that it started with 'Tonight with you' and something about my bed made me throw my head back and laugh even harder. Who could have thought that my innocent Chloe Adams can be so dirty minded? I'd taken time to listen to the ringtone itself and that's how I didn't note the urgency of the call until Martha had hanged up. She immediately called again and this time my blood chilled and my heart started hammering wildly against my ribcage. The pillow talk music had blared but I'd picked up the call before I knew it, Martha's ragged breathing came through my speakers and I lost it.

"Martha! Is everything okay?" She could hear how panicky my voice was, I guess.

"Caesar co...com...to...to...to...th..." She stammered, her words trailing along.

"Heeeyyyy...calm down first and talk to me slowly. How am I supposed to understand what you're trying to say now?" I feigned courage even though deep down I was freaked.

"Hospital... Bronx medistop..." That was it, I lost it.

"WHO THE HECK IS AT MEDISTOP MARTHA!" I barked out loudly, I even scared the woman, I heard her whimper.

"All of them..chl---"

"I'm on my way!" I heard my ears buzzing and I couldn't see right. All of them? How?? Wait, which all?

Somehowly I had driven through the red lights and I had narrowly missed the truck which had almost drove into my car. My adrenaline rush was up the notch and by the time I literally ran into the BMH reception, I couldn't even breath evenly to let coherent words out, if not for the woman behind the desk who banged the desk twice to bring me back.

"Can you take time to rationalize your breath first and then restructure your sentence. I can't hear any word you say sir." She looked at me sympathetically and that's when I actually saw her given that I wasn't even seeing clearly before. After taking in two hungry gulps of air that's when it dawned on me that I didn't even park my car, I just left it there with headlights on! And I didn't even care less, my next words were already out in the air, intended for the receptionist.

"I was just called by Martha." I sighed heavily as it hit me again, they probably don't know Martha. "My nanny...uhmmm my granny... I don't know! Shetoldmeallofthemwerebroughtherejesus!" The woman behind the desk panicked as her eyes bulged out.

I noticed I had blabbed yet again and she didn't understand.

"All of them are here." This time I recollected my speech so slowly and she looked even more confused.

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