5. Damn Chloe!

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Chloe's POV

He looked down at me, straight into my eyes, his eyes lingered there a little too longer, my eyes never left his too. They were begging him to kiss me. I wanted this kiss more than anything.

From my enemy, fuck that notch. I cared less, that never meant I was changing, that never meant I was withdrawing my plans, no I just wanted him to kiss me. After that, I was to carry on with my plans. I was to kill him emotionally too.

But at that moment, the naive girl that I was, wanted to feel how other people felt when they kissed, what other girls my age felt.

His eyes became darker when he shifted them to my lips, I could feel his breathing, his eyes lingered on my lips again, he was scanning them. He then looked at my eyes and I batted my eyelashes, communicating something.

He needed nothing more, he needed no more signal. That was it for us.

As if striken, I felt his lips fresh on mine, I was shocked and I felt something like an electric signal being sent down to my nerves. I just stood there doing nothing as his lips worked on mine.

He kissed me slow and sweet. His warm soft lips doing miracles to my own. A moan escaped my throat when his tongue pushed between the folds of my lips, he needed permission to enter my mouth but I didn't grant him.

Slowly I parted my lips, moving my hands and hugged him at his waist. And then I started kissing him back, slowly taking my time to taste him. He leaked mint, his lips were so soft and all I thought of was to bite them. Instead of just leaving it as a thought, I did it practically, I slowly bit his lower lip making myself flinch when I felt him draw me closer to him.

So he suddenly sneaked his tongue into my mouth when I gasped, sucked my lips, rolled his tongue against mine, suckled it. It felt like a whole other thing than kissing and I wondered why it could possibly feel that right and sweet.

I didn't want us to stop, my enemy was my first kiss and I couldn't lie he was a good kisser even though I had no one to compare him with. So I kissed him back with the same passion not regretting anything at the moment. I closed everything else out, I wanted Caesar to show me what a mouth is capable of.

Slowly he grabbed my ass and picked me up from the floor wrapping my legs at his waist. Our lips were still connected and I didn't want us to disconnect.

I felt something hard pushing up my lower abdomen but I ignored it. I kissed him with all my mighty knowing I will never have a chance to do so with Mr billionaire again. I couldn't believe myself , I was kissing one of the famous tycoons in Bronx NY.

That so thing kept pushing up and I couldn't stand our kiss any longer. We both needed air to breath so I withdrew from the kiss. His eyes were more clouded and way darker. He was panting and I was breathing heavily too

"Damn marvellous!" He breathed looking at me deeply in the eyes." We just met. " He quipped smiling.

All of a sudden I felt shy around him. His lips were plumpy, meaning I sucked him that much.

"Did... I hurt you?" I finally managed a question after looking at each other, a bit too long.

"Of course not!" He replied quickly. "You just made me... Uhmm... Horny?"He instead said looking down between our bodies.

" How do you feel when you're horny? Happy? Energetic like a bull with horns?" I asked him.

" Holy pineapple!" His eyes popped out in surprise. "Please tell me your age marvellous. Don't lie to me. Are you sixteen, fifteen? "

" What? " My own eyes popped out too.
" Why? Of course not! I'm twenty, I'll be turning twenty one in six months time even." I replied pouting my lips. I felt like he just insulted me. Do I look that young? Well it's not my fault I'm small bodied.

"Oh, I see." He answered nodding. "Which schools did you went to?"

"Never been to school before." I stated casually.

" What? You mean you have no knowledge in this skull?" I don't know if he was joking or serious but I found it funny. I wanted to laugh but chose not to.

"I had a personal tutor at home. All my twenty years I studied at home."

" Oh." That's all he managed to say.

So I dropped my hand between our bodies and grabbed something hard. The one that was poking on my lower abdomen from before.

"What's this?" I asked tightening my hand around it. It was warm and it made me curious.

He was still looking at me. Scanning me saying nothing.

"Caesar are you there?" I waved my other hand at his face and his lips parted slightly.

" You're so innocent Marvellous." He whispered looking straight into my eyes.

"Hmmmmm?" I replied still waving, he closed his eyes and something like a moan,or groan escaped his lips.

"Keep doing that." He whispered again.

"Doing what?"

"That." He seemed to be dreaming and he kept groaning softly.

I withdrew my hand and held his face in both of my palms. His eyes screwed open immediately and he frowned.

"Why did you stop?"

"Stop what Caesar?"

"You have no idea, do you?" He asked and I shook my head.

" You're so innocent Marvellous. Very innocent." He repeated. " I don't know if I should blame the people who took care of you or if I should thank them."

" Why?" I felt insulted.

" You're too good for me. So pure." He replied.

I wriggled in his arms and he let me down slowly. " Yes." I retorted. "I'm too good for you. This should not happen again." I was raising my voice slightly. " You're not completely the person for me."

"Yes. I know." He admitted. "I'm not a good person, I'm not the one for you." He replied. His eyes were more darker.

" So you admit you're a bad person!" I almost yelled.

"Yes." He replied casually.

" Be damned asshole!" I finally let out a loud brawl. "I hate you! For your admission and personality!"

" Woaaahh! What's wrong marvellous? Are you mad just because I said I'm a bad person?" He looked shocked.

" Yes, and because I know you really are a bad asshole of a being. And stop calling me marvellous."

" Watch your mouth marvellous." He said smoothly. Repeating the word marvellous. He was a case.

"Forget what happened." I recovered quickly. " You can go have your dinner, tell them I can't join them. I'm full."

" No, everyone who stays in this house must eat." He answered.

" I'm full." That was my reply before I walked towards my bed and sank myself under the covers.

He shook his head and walked out, shutting me in.

After he left, my mind wandered to the not so long ago kiss we shared. I lifted a trembling hand and traced a finger over my sensitive lips. It happened, it was so true, oh gawd! I almost thought it was a dream.

I don't know how I drifted off that night promising myself that, such a mistake won't happen again. It was a sweet mistake though.

If I would have stopped lying to my heart, I wanted it again, but no, my mind was too strong for that.

Caesar couldn't stop me with just a kiss.

Happy reads my people ☺️❤️.

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