2. Staying for the night.

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"Hello, are you the lady who was supposed to come help me with some work?" She asked politely walking towards me.

Tongue tied, I shook my head and nodded at the same time. Oh Chloe what are you doing?

"Well, let's go." She took my free hand and directed me towards her posh car. I looked back to the astonished gateman and winked. He seemed to get it and a small smile creeped on his lips nodding, like saying, 'I got you.'

Getting on the posh leather seats on the passenger side I felt light headed from all the coziness in the car.

"Velma, I'm sorry I stood you here. My classes were a little prolonged." She quipped.

So the lady who was supposed to be here is called Velma? Good grief! How am I supposed to act now? I questioned myself.

"It's... Okay." I stuttered fiddling with my hands.

Who is she? She had classes? Oh christ lord. Which work is it that am supposed to help her? Do I know how it's done?

I kept asking myself as she drove us to their basement where a parking lot was. Even though her Car's window was tinted black, I still saw everything we passed outside, the beautiful flowers at their porch, the fountain connected with the pool, the gorgeous front yard.

"Ma'am." I acknowledged her as she opened the passenger door for me.

"Please call me Cherry." She chuckled lightly. " You make me feel like am too old for my own age and I might even be your age mate."

Cherry! My enemy's sister! Oh christ Jesus!
She might as well be my enemy! That's what I thought. But she never looked like someone who had bad blood running in her veins. She looked so pure and with genuine intentions. I ogled her as she held the front door to their house open for me.

Did it just leaked sleekness and modernity?
It was an exquisite sight really. Too posh for me.

"Hi maggie!" She greeted a lady who I assumed was the general maid the gate man had told me about.

"Can you please serve my visitor something to eat, I'm going to change. Guide her to my room once she's done." She said hurriedly walking up the stairs and leaving me on the foyer with the so said Maggie.

"Hello dear." She greeted warmly her eyes shining.

"Hello ma'am." I greeted back smiling.

"Oh no, please call me maggie. It's comfortable being called by my first name."

I nodded smiling. " Maggie." I acknowledged her.

" There." She chirped. "What would you like to eat?" She asked still warmly.

I was really famished. I could use some food indeed. "Anything, am okay with anything, I'm not the one to call for shots here."

" You're silly." She laughed. " You can ask for anything you want here. Anything. Nobody will judge you."

" Serve me your favourite."

She walked me to their too big for my liking kitchen with modern equipments and everything else. I sat myself on one of the stools and watched her put food on my plate. She served me with fried chicken, potato soup, rice and pineapple juice.

I muttered a thank you before I launched myself into eating my enemy's food. It sure was yummy and I took large scoops from the plate and in no meantime I was done eating, I chugged the juice down my throat quickly anticipating to see the work awaiting me.

She showed me up to cherry's room which was on the second floor. The room looked like the Princess'. It was babied with everything every girl could dream of.

"You see this huge mess of clothes on my bed, we're going to sort it out and arrange my wardrobe. Some clothes are going to be offered to some charity homes." She told me once Maggie left us. I sighed a relief.

So easy.

We started sorting the clothes out, she could ask me random questions all through and I could answer them while we arranged the clothes.

"Who do you stay with in this huge house?" I dared to ask. My curiosity couldn't be kept at store for that long.

"My big brother of course." She answered enthusiastically padding to her walk in closet to put in some clothes.

"Where is he?" I prompted again.

"At work, he comes home at the evening and leaves early morning." She answered normally.

" Don't you get bored being alone?" I asked.

" Of course, sometimes when he goes on business trips. Like this week." She pouted. " I wish I had a sister, I suddenly wish you were my sister." She smiled shyly. "You look like someone who each and every person will get along with."

" You think so?" I lifted a brow taken back by her admittance.

"I know so." She prompted. "Where do you school?"

"Uhmm... I don't school. I'm already done schooling." I answered her carefully.

" Done? Woooo! Then how old are you?" She looked shocked.

"Twenty?" I answered rather in a question form folding a big hoodie that seemed too big for her.

" That's my boyfriend's. Don't worry, I see you're digesting hard." She smiled. " Caesar doesn't know I have a boyfriend. He'll skin me alive." She whispered widening her eyes.

" Oh." It's all I managed to say shyly. The word boyfriend feels odd to me.

I've never even had friends before, I know nothing close to boyfriend.

"I knew it! We're age mates!" She squealed excitedly. I knew we were before you knew so, dear cherry, I felt like rolling myself but I refrained myself.

How am I going to talk her into letting me stay here? I want to get close to her so that I'll be able to do my spying more efficiently on her so good for nothing brother.

I wondered out loud.

I forced a sulky face and tears swelled up in my eyes when I thought of how my parents were killed. And I started sobbing taking her by surprise.

"Why are you crying Velma?" She asked shocked.

"I'm not Velma Cherry. " I whispered through a sob. " I'm called Chloe and I was looking for a job here earlier when you showed up. I was going to go back home because I was already told that you need no worker, but what happened happened and here I am. I have to go back home in Rochester." I sniffed finally looking at her.

She looked nothing but pure shock. "Who do you leave with?" She asked in a low voice.

"Some good willers who took me in when my parents died. " I answered her.

" Sorry. " A tear slipped out of her eye."I guess we both don't have our parents and that makes us the same."

"I guess so. " I smiled weakly.

" Will you stay with me for tonight?" She asked now I was the one taken by surprise.

" Why? " I squeaked my surprise out.

"I want to know you more. I don't know why I trust you so much. But I think I can help you somewhere. " More tears cascaded down my cheeks.

" But you don't know me Cherry. I'm a nobody." I stated flatly drying my nose.

" I Know you enough to let you stay with me. Don't worry about clothes, we can share mine. "

Exactly what I wanted. I smiled inwardly, turned to her and smiled weakly, " Do I even have a choice?" I asked her and she chuckled taking me into her arms,

" You don't. " She whispered in my ears. "Thank you for showing up at our gate at the right time Chloe."

We pulled away, smiling broadly at each other.

Way to go Chloe. My inner goddess nodded at me lifting her thumbs up.

Way to go!

Hope you enjoy this book readers 😊
Good reads❤️😊

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