53. Sexy vixen

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Chloe's POV

Tracy was something else I swear.

"I can't believe Anley did that though." She bursted out laughing again as I scanned myself in the mirror frowning. "But you said the past two nights she's been sleeping at her room, why are you still wounded sexually then?"

Tracy was blunt and I'd come to like her just as she was and I got used to her being vulgar. So I got so much closer to her than I was to Nicole. I could tell her anything that was going on with me and she could give me a good advice, Nicole would tell me to go to the club with her and drink off my sorrows, comical.

"He gets home late than usual and I'm always asleep. I think work has been taking a toll on him. I'm just looking forward to the weekend." I smile looking at the garters clamped on my thighs. Tracy forced me to try these lingeries and now I think I'll take them.

"I think you should pay him a visit at work. Especially today. Actually come out, I want to see how wild you'll drive him if you show up with those." I knew she was smiling behind the curtains. We were at the back of her shop, in one of the dressing stalls and I didn't want Tracy to see me like this.

"No! Don't ---" Before I could finish , Tracy had flipped the curtains, and her eyes grew large as she moved them gingerly along the mirror taking me in. It almost felt uncomfortable and before I could say anything, a big grin pulled up on her face,

"Damn girl! I wish I wasn't straight for sure!" That made us both bubble out one hell of a laugh. "You are so freaking hot and I know Caesar's going to cum just at the sight of those curves and that amble cleavage." She twirled her tongue around her lips before she added, "Just go, it's almost lunch time now."

It was summer period and the sun was up but, I didn't think twice and Tracy had boosted my confidence. I took one of the longest trenchcoats from the display. It stopped right below my knees. It was black and so I matched it with my black heels that I had to strap up. 

Taking a once over on the mirror and one cheer from Tracy I was on my way back to my restaurant, already shocking Nicole and Branley on the change of clothes.

I packed so fast what I thought could amaze Caesar and I packed enough for the two of us as I hurried out to the waiting taxi.

"See you later." I winked at my two stupid friends who couldn't come out of their stupors.

"Damn it! I wish I had a man too." Nicole had groaned earning a pinch from Branley.

"You wouldn't want to guess what's under that trench coat." Nicole added her eyes still on me, her mouth agape.

"Oh my God, I don't want the image." Branley gagged making Nicole chuckle.

I laughed shaking my head as I took a backseat in the taxi, asking the baldy man behind the sterling wheel to drop me at the Banley's oil refinery.

It was a ten minute walk to Caesar's company but I couldn't risk my make up with the merciless sun outside.


Caesar's POV

Three meetings in a row and I was feeling like a walking corpse, exhaustion was an understatement. I was ragged and yet I had two more to go. Wow.

Lately I'd been so busy I couldn't even get home earlier enough to see my Marvelous. The past two nights I'd been getting home past ten and I always found her asleep. But I loved the fact that I could get to cuddle her and breathe in her sweet scent.

"Sir." Betty knocked on my door and I almost groaned. I really needed a break.

"Come in." I said in a grunt.

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