【29】Bad Hair Day

Start from the beginning

"G-Gah Craig! Quit it, you're gonna get in trouble again!" Tweek tried to reason with his friend. However, Craig seemed adamant on challenging Dovahkiin.

Dovahkiin sighed, and pinched the bridge of nose before speaking, "Fuck off will you? You're seriously getting annoying," He said lowly, obviously irked by Craigs behavior.

"Really? I'm getting annoying?" Craig asked sarcastically, lowering his head so that it was next (Y/n)'s. The way Craig held her was possessive, and Dovahkiin noticed this. People started to crowd, and record what was happening. Others were texting, further spreading the rumor that (Y/n) and Craig were together, and that her brother was not a fan of it.

"You have three seconds to let go of her. If you don't, I'm gonna bash your fucking skull in." Dovahkiin said darkly. This immediately snapped (Y/n) out of her trance. She of all people knew he wouldn't have any problem beating up someone for her "sake".

"Dovahkiin, stop—" (Y/n) pulled herself away from Craig, started to go near her brother to get him to calm down. However, the moment she was near, he pushed her off to the side toward Tweek who caught her with ease.

"I got you (Y/n)!" He said, holding her.

Craig swung punch toward Dovahkiin, and he wasn't able to block. He glared, and shoved Craig back, readying his fist to start fighting. The bell for class rang, but not a single person moved from where they were. People started to chant, "Fight! Fight! Fight", as the two started to exchange hits.

"Dammit, will you guys stop!" (Y/n) shouted, trying to move, but Tweek held her still.

"Tweek let go!" She said stupidly, as her brother and friend started to beat the shit out of each other.

"N-No way (Y/n)! I don't want you to get hurt!" He said with a concerned face. He didn't want Craig or Dovahkiin to be fighting just as much as (Y/n). They were his friends after all. 

Dovahkiin's mouth and nose were bleeding, and Craig had a black eye. Dovahkiin pushed Craig hard enough that he fell on the ground. Without wasting time, Dovahkiin kicked him in the stomach causing him to cough. Craig glared at him from below, and as Dovahkiin tried to kick him again, Craig grabbed his leg causing him to lose balance. Within seconds, Dovahkiin was down on the ground, and Craig climbed on top of him to start punching more and more. Despite seeming to have the upper-hand, Dovahkiin managed to shove Craig off of him.

As this all happened, Tweek, and (Y/n) were yelling at them to stop. They both did not want either to get hurt, or in trouble. Despite their pleas, they were both ignored. Craig and Dovahkiin both stood up and brought their fists up to keep swinging at each other. But just when they were about to start hitting  each other again, they were stopped. Stan and Kyle were holding back Dovahkiin, just as Tolkien and Clyde held back Craig.

"Let go, I was just about to get him to give up!" Dovahkiin said to Stan and Kyle. They looked at one another.

"Yeah right, asshole! You were about to get knocked out by me!" Craig shouted back angrily.

"No dude, stop! You're going to get in trouble! You want to be suspended?!" Kyle said to Dovahkiin.

"Yeah, You guys need to stop" Tolkien added, his words mostly directed to Craig.

Before anyone else could say anything, Mr. Mackey appeared and started yelling at everyone.

"All of you need to get to class, mkay!" He shouted angrily. All the students stopped recording, and started to scurry out of the halls to their respective classes. As they did this, whispers broke out about the rumors and how brutal the fight was.

"(Y/n), let's go," Tweek whispered to her.

"But, Tweek! It's my fault—"

"It's not, it's their fault, agh! If they really cared about what you thought, they would've listened to us! Now cmon, let's go," He said comfortingly, while dragging her to class. She complied, holding his hand tightly. She couldn't hide the worried expression etched across her face.

As the halls cleared, the boys and their friends holding them back was all that was left, "And you two boys, in my office, right now!"

The four boys keeping their friends held back, let go, thinking they were finally calmed down. But boy, they were wrong. Craig shoved Dovahkiin backward so his back struck the lockers, and Dovahkiin took no time to recover, swinging a punch at Craig's face.

Craig caught one of Dovahkiin's arms and shoved him backwards. He readied himself to keep fighting.

"Dammit guys! Stop!" Stan and Kyle scurried over to hold Dovahkiin back just as Tolkien and Clyde stopped Craig.

"You know what mkay, I think I'm gonna need you boys to come too, these two just aren't gonna stop." Mr. Mackey said.

A/N; HI! Looks like the start of new arc! Sorry if there are errors, I was eating tteokbokki while I edited this! Lots more drama in the next few chapters! Thank you for all the votes, comments and support! Love you all!  I DO NOT OWN ART

over n' out


>3768 Words

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