Avneet POV

Hii boys and girls,

Myself Avneet, my age is 18 years and I am 12th class student, I am studying in government school of Delhi.

It's a coed school but believe me when I tell you that I have 33 students in my class and there is only 3 boys are in 33 students.

I don't know why we call this school coed when there is no mean of calls it coed, because there is only girls around me.

I am an average student in studies, I have no intrest in studies, I guess mostly people's study just because it is important for future to get a job.

I have the same reason too, else this is the boring place of my life where I have to come everyday against my choice.

To catch up some intrest in my life, I took medical stream in schooling, I heard that medical studies are good, and I have basically intrest to be a nurse.

But I don't like to be called sister. But it's fine I have nothing to do in this matter.

But that affected my grade more, because now I am not able to score good in subjects, and especially in Biology.

Even teachers here have no concern about the studies of students they just come pass their time in class and take their payments and left.

Who cares... Life is going on but boards exams or on head and my parents are getting strict.

My mother was a commerce student in school and my father who can teach me didn't have time from job.

Even my elder cousin brother who is doing medical right now, who is intelligent too, keep on making a distance from Biology book, and that is understandable to me.

But school hiring is going on for new teacher as our previous biology teacher left.

POV ends

Stay tuned.

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