Chapter Two

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"Yeah thats what I've heard, but it would of been nice to still have Jimmy. Even though I didn't him...he was still your best friend. You deserve a happy ending, but I know you'll always have Jimmy in your heart." Billie explained, squeezing my hand, making me turn to look in those big green eyes of his.

I bit my lower lip, and nodded. I would always remember Jimmy, he made an impact on my life with his death, and with his presence. I loved Jimmy, as a friend, I wasn't quite sure of the other feeling because he wasn't around long enough for me to confirm it, and I would always miss him. I might regret doing what I did, but it was what was best for me. On the bright side I was going to try to make it right...So I guess I'm not entirly horrible.

"Where are we going?" I asked, chaging the subject that I was weak to.

"Huntington, I'm taking you home." He confirmed my guess, which made me frown.

"I really hate it there." I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest, almost defensivly.

"I know, but your seventeen. Really it's illegal for me to even 'date' you, because I'm twenty three. Your a minor, your still in custody of your mom, so I have to get you home, before the police start looking from you." Billie explained, shaking his head, speeding up.

"I know , Billie, but we're only six years apart, and I'm almost legal. My mom probably hardly noticed I was gone, all she ever does is work. When I get back she probably won't even be home, if shes not, can you stay awhile? Or at least until I hear her get home?" I begged, hoping he would stay, God only knows when I'll see him again.

He bit his lip, and shrugged.

"Tre' and Mike are making funeroll arangments, and we have to pack up and continue our tour, so I don't know if I'll have enough time." He told me his plans, and then everything was silent.

"When am I going to see you again, is the important question." I whispered, looking towards him.

He glanced at me, and frowned.

"I don't even know, me and the band, everything is hetic for us. We work a lot, this summer, I'll pick you up if you want to finish up the tour with us?" He offered, with a slight smile.

I nodded, and closed my eyes relaxing. I'll be home soon, sadly.

*****Billie's Point Of View*****

Kaela seemed upset, and it bugged me. She knew I had touring dates, funeroll arangments,CD signings, movie making, and so on to do. Me and the band were working on Bullet in a bible, the DVD/CD, we were basicly recording our tour. The band and me, had SO much work to do it was sickening to think about.

Yeah, I was going to miss her like a cat would miss its claws, and I probably would even cry for her. She was my soon to be wife, if plans went as they were supposed to, and I wanted to be with her for every second of every day. Being famous wasn't what it was cracked up to be, it seperated people from your life for long periods of time, it was hard. Even though it payed really well, it really wasn't worth it.

Don't get me wrong, I love parting, every day, and every night. I've done that since I was sixteen, and probably wouldn't stop for awhile yet to come. It gets old every day though, sometimes you need a break, but you can't take a break with a band.

Sometimes I wish I was normal, but then I would of never met Kaela. Life is so complicated for me, I just wish I could keep a smile on her beautiful face, just for an entire day. One day, thats all I want. I just need to know I'm not taking it with me when I leave.

*****Kaela's Point Of View*****

*****A little while later*****

Billie smoothly pulled into our dirt driveway, cutting the engine, and putting the car into park. With my head down I exited the car, Billie on my heels. He took my hand, pulling me to face him. My head was still down, hair tangled around my face making my own hide away. He tilted my chin up, but I was still looking away from those green eyes. I swear if I looked into them I would cry.

"Please look at me, Kaela." Billie softly demanded, and I felt tears coat my eyes.

As slow as I could I met those big, beautiful, neon green eyes, and I felt a tear fall from my left eye. They say if a tear falls from that eye first, it's pain, I guess it's true, because thats all I can feel right now. All I can feel is my heart ripping in two.

Billie frowned, still looking like an angel, and pulled me close to his face. He smelled like fresh rain, and faint chocolate axe. I loved his smell, it made me want to double over, and hold it in my lungs forever. He cupped both his big hands around my thinner face, and kept his eye in contact with mine. It brought more sadness to have to stare into those eyes, before he left for near a year maybe. I feel like it's all going to get lost, and forgotten while hes gone. What if it does? I know what...If he does decide he's done with me I swear I know I was going to die of heart break.

"Kaela I love you, I swear to God when I get back I'm never going to leave you again. Your mine forever, I'm yours forever. Nothing can change that. Just keep me in your heart, call me every night, I can't stand to go too long without your voice. Stay strong, always remember you have me, and we're going to get married. Together forever." Billie breathed, taking me in on a long kiss on the lips.

I felt weightless, like a bird, flying high while his lips touched mine. It took all my breath away, it made my heart stop, it left me tingling all over. He pulled away, keeping his eyes on mine, and brushing his thumb under my chin as he backed away to a reasonable distance. Then I pulled myself along towards the door. Turning the knob, opening it.

Inside the house was just as I left it nothing touched. Everything in the same exact place. I don't even think my moms car was in the driveway. I pulled my cell phone out, dialing her number, it went striaght to voicemail. What was happening?

"Billie this is the exact way I left the house, no one has been in it since..."I trailed off my voice raspy.

He took me by the shoulders, holding me from behind. His grip was strong, protective, but I felt scared, and vunerable inside my skin. Something was wrong but I didn't want to bother Billie about it.

"She does this kind of thing doesn't she?" He wondered, his voice gruff.

I nodded, "Don't worry about it, you should be getting back."

He frowned, kissing my forehead, and I took him in a long, hard hug.

Breathing in his scent one last time till I seen him again, and I was crying. I had no one who cared, except him.

"Please don't leave me." I sobbed into his shirt, and clung tight.

"I won't ever leave you, I'll be back to swoop you off your feet in no time." He promised with a cute giggle, then he was gone.

I watched as his car pulled away from the window, until it disappreared, then I slumped down against the wall, crying. The worst part about missing someone, was missing them before they were even gone. I've missed him since day one.

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