Chapter 22

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Rowan's P.O.V

It's been at least 4 hours since Gabrielle got sent back for testing. I look down at my phone to check the time. 7:42. That means in New York it's 10:42. We've been here since 6:30 in eastern time and haven't heard anything back yet.

"Sabrina, do you want to get something to eat with me?" I ask Sabrina, whose stomach has been growling for the past 5 minutes.

"Please. I'm dying of hunger."

And I'm dying of faith. I wanted to say so badly, but I pushed that thought down for now.

From the emergency room, the walk to the café was only a couple minutes. Dad walked down there earlier to get a water bottle.

Sabrina and I got up and started walking. We haven't talked much since we got here. Sabrina told me she texted Corey earlier to let him know where we are.

"Sab?" I asked Sabrina, my voice cracking.

"Yeah Row?"

"Do you think Gabrielle will be okay?"

"Honestly, yes."


"Yeah. Didn't you noticed how little she complained while walking?"

"Yeah...But she could've been holding all the pain inside."

"If something was really wrong with her, she would've been yelling out in pain."

"That's true."

I hope it's true.

We finally arrived at the Café. We both walked around the same area. Desserts. I picked out a vanilla cake with chocolate icing and Sabrina got a chocolate cake with vanilla icing. We also got water bottles and paid. Once we sat at a table, we started devouring our cakes.

"Mmm." The two of us said after taking our first bite.

"This cake is amazing!" I added.

"I know right!"

We were almost finished with our cakes when I hear my phone ding, meaning I have a text. I took my phone out to read the text.

Dad- Doctor just came out. Said Gabrielle is fine. She has minor injuries. She can go home. Only needs to keep ice on her stomach. She'll be really to leave in 10 minutes.

"Sabrina! Gabrielle can go home!"

"That's great!"

Rowan- Great! Be there in few min.

We quickly finish our cakes and start running back to the emergency waiting room with our unfinished water bottles in hand. In about two minutes, we reach the waiting room.

I look to where we originally were seating and see Dad and Gabrielle waiting for us. We run over to her and dad.

"How do you feel Gabrielle?" I ask.

"Much better!" She says in the happiest tone I've ever heard her in.

"The docter gave her pain reliever to reduce the pain." My dad explains. "He said that it should last twelve hours. But by then, the pain should be gone."

"That's good." Sabrina and I both say.

The Dad and Gabrielle stand up and the four of us start walking to the exit as if on que. I notice Gabrielle stopped limping. That pain medicine is really helping.

Luckily, Dad found a spot not to far away to park. We all get in the car and Dad starts making his way out the hospital's parking maze.

"Do you want me to drop you and Sabrina off at the airport and I'll take Gabrielle home or should it be the other way around?" My dad asks me directly.

"Well... what if Gabrielle could come to California and live with me?" I asked.

"That could happen... Gabrielle? Would you like to stay with Rowan in California for a few days?" Dad asks.

"Wait, Dad." I say before Gabrielle could answer. "What if it could know...permanent?" I see Gabrielle smile out of the corner of my eye.

"Daddy I would love to! I hardly get to see Rowan as it is!" Gabrielle says, still in a happy, pitchy tone.

My dad thinks about this for a moment before responding. "Okay. Only if Gabrielle is okay with it."

"YAY!" Gabrielle, Sabrina and I say very loudly.

Once my dad found the way out of the hospital parking lot, he turned on to the road leading to the airport.

Dad turned into the airport and pulled up in front of the entrance doors. All four of us got out of the car and Dad got Gabrielle's bag out of the trunk. He handed it to me because Gabrielle had to hold the icepack on her stomach.

Dad then hugged Sabrina, kissed me on the cheek and hugged me, then kissed Gabrielle on the cheek and and hugged her for the longest.

"Stay well, all of you." He said. Then he got on his knees in front of Gabrielle and said "I love you sweetie. Make you call me." Then he looked at me. "That goes for you too Rowan."

"What about me?" Sabrina asked sarcastically.

"You can always call me too, Sabrina."

Dad got off the ground and Sabrina, Gabrielle, and I started walking inside the airport. Right before we entered, I turned around and yelled "I love you Dad!"

"I love you too!" He yelled back.

The three of us walked inside up to the ticket seller. Since it was so late in New York, nobody was here besides a few people.

"One ticket to Hollywood, California please." I say to the ticket lady. Earlier today, Sabrina and I bought round trip tickets to here and back.

The ticket lady hands us a ticket. "Your flight leaves at 11:30. Have a nice day."

"Thanks. You too."

We walk up to baggage check to get Gabrielle's bag checked. Once it was cleared, we put it on the conveyer that put it onto our plane.

I looked at the time. 11:06. We walked up to gate 3, where our flight was departing, and waited.


We started boarding the plane at exactly 11:30. This plane was smaller than the first. I'm guessing it's because there are less people on this flight.

Once we were on the plane, we picked 3 seats next to each other, only because this plane didn't have seat numbers. A few minutes later, we were in the air.

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