Chapter 12

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Rowan's P.O.V

"Okay... So...umm..." I begin.

"Rowan. Just tell me."

"Do you promise you won't get mad?"

"I will try not to. It depends on what you say."

"Okay... Well..."

All of a sudden, Peyton's phone started ringing with the ring tone "Take on The World", the theme song to our show.

"Sorry. I'll just be one minute." Peyton says, walking outside the apartment door.

"Okay." I say.

How the heck am I going to tell him?

Because of the curiosity in me, I decide to eavesdrop Peyton's conversation.

"...yes I told you already Amanda! It's all part of the plan...Look I'm with her now but I can't break up with her yet. It's too early in the plan yet... Yes I promise I'll break up with her. Listen Amanda, I got to go. I don't want Rowan to get suspicious...I love you too...bye."

So Peyton's cheating on me... And I'm cheating on him... AND he has a plan. Well guess what Peyton. Two can play at this game.

I quickly run back to where I was sitting and pretend to be playing on my phone. Peyton walks in and closes the door behind him.

"Sorry about that." He says walking over to me.

"Who was that?"

"Corey telling me about the game."

"Oh really. Well, why were you calling Corey Amanda?"


"I'm not finished. Even if that was Corey, why would you be talking about breaking up with me and something about a plan?"

He looks at me blankly, obviously trying to think of something to say. It doesn't even take him a second to respond though.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your conversation just a few seconds ago!"

"So you were eavesdropping on me?"

"Yes and I'm glad I did!"

"I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me! We're done Rowan!" Peyton says, starting to clean up the "picnic."

"I don't care! You're the one who cheated on me!"

"So maybe I did but you don't trust me!"

"I would trust you if you weren't cheating on me!"

"Well I'm not anymore am I!" Peyton says walking to the door.


"What?" He says turning around.

"Why did you cheat on me?"

Peyton walks out the door ignoring my question.

Life and Death [Girl Meets World]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora