Chapter 16

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Rowan's P.O.V

-1 Hour Later-

It's been one hour when Nurse Jackson walks over to us. "Mr.Meyers' friends and family?" She asks us.

"Yeah." We all reply. "Is everything okay?" Mrs.Meyer adds.

"I have some good news but mostly bad news. Peyton is alive and out of surgery, but I'm very sorry to say he doesn't have much longer to live."

Tears start pouring down my face. "H-how much longer does he have?" I ask.

"Only a few more hours. I'm sorry."

"Can we go see him?" Mrs.Meyer asks.

"Yes. Only one at a time though. Who wants to go first?"

"I'll go." Mrs.Meyer says.

"Okay follow me." Nurse Jackson says walking away with Mrs.Meyer following.

Sabrina, Corey, and I head back to our seats, all of us crying.

Mrs.Meyer's P.O.V

I follow Nurse Jackson to Peyton's room. The last place he'll ever be.

"Here you go Mrs.Meyer. Room 426." Nurse Jackson says.

"T-Thank you." I say crying.

I walk in Peyton's room to see him lay on a bed. He's underneath the blankets but you can tell where his leg is missing. I sit in the chair next to his bed.

"Hey Peyton." I say. His eyes slowly open and he looks towards me.

"Hi mom." He says in a very weak voice.

"How are you feeling?"


"Do you feel any pain?"


"That's good sweetie." When Peyton doesn't say anything I try to think of something to talk about. "Did you hear the Dodgers won their game today?"

"No. Score?"

"7 to 3."

"That's good. Mom?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"I...I love you." He says with a lot of effort.

"I love you too. Listen, I have to go now. Your friends want to come see you too. Hang in there sweetie."

"Bye mom."

I walk out of the room and look back one last time. Peyton's eyes are closed again. So this is the last time I'll see my son.

"I love you Peyton." I say.

" you too."

I walk away back into the waiting room.

"He's in room 460. Who wants to go next?" I ask.

They all look at each other. "I'll go." Corey announces after a few seconds. "Is that okay with you guys?"

"Yeah that's fine by me." Sabrina says. "Rowan?"

"Y-yeah. I want to go last anyway." Rowan replies.

"Okay. Corey says, then walks away.

Corey's P.O.V

I walk towards room 460. Once I get there I look inside. Peyton doesn't have a roommate. Okay Corey. You're not going to cry. Repeat. You're not going to cry. I walk inside and stand at the edge of Peyton's bed.

"Peyton? Are you awake?" I ask because I notice his eyes are closed.

"Yeah." He says opening his eyes.

"How are you?


I walk over to the chair next his bed and sit. He moves his head so he's facing me.



"Does Rowan...know.?"

"That the plan was fake?"


"Yeah, she knows."

"Are we...we back together?"

"You have to ask her that yourself buddy."

"She' right?"

"Yeah. She'll be in after Sabrina."

"Okay. Good. Hey...hey Corey?"


"Just let were...were the friend I...I ever had."

"Thanks Peyton. That means a lot. Your the best friend I ever had too."


"I'm sorry Peyton but I should get going. Sabrina and Rowan want to see you too. But I promise I'll come see you again after they see you."

"Okay. Bye Corey."

"Bye." I say then walk out of his room and walk back to the waiting room.

"Okay... Sabrina you can go now."

"O-Okay." She says sniffling.

Sabrina's P.O.V

I half walk half job down to Peyton's room. I walk inside and sit in a chair on the left side of his bed.

"Hey Ranger Rick." I say with less enthusiasm than I normally do.

"Hey." He says laughing, but not too much.

Don't bring up how he feels. A voice in my head tells me. " You have a nice view from up here." I say, pointing to the window to his right.

"Oh...yeah...never saw that. Hey...what's...what's that down...down there?"

"Oh that? That's the park we would always hang out at."

"Cool. Did hear about that...that Dodgers game?"

"What about it?" I ask. I haven't even paid attention to anything since I heard about Peyton's accident.

"They won...won seven three." He says with the smallest hint of a smile.

"That's great! How did you find out?"

"My mom."

"That's cool."

"'re a great...great friend."

"Thanks. You are too Ranger Rick.

"Can I...I see Rowan...Rowan now?"

"Of course! Bye Peyton."

"Bye Sabrina."

I walk out the door and walk back into the waiting room. "Rowan, Peyton really wants to see you." I say to Rowan.

"R-really?" She replies.

"Yeah. Go get him tiger."

She gets up and walks towards me but I stop her before she passes me. In her ear I whisper "Listen. Be strong."

"I know. I'm trying." She whispers back. Then she starts walking.

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