Chapter 20

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Rowan's P.O.V

~3 Hours Later~

Sabrina and I are finally in Albany, New York. This flight felt like the longest plane ride I was on. I really hope Gabrielle is okay.

Once we exit the airport, Sabrina says to me "Rowan? Where are we heading to?"

"I-I don't know. Maybe my dad knows where Gabrielle and my mom moved."

I take out my phone and call my dad. He picks up on the second ring.

Dad- Hey Rowan! How are you doing?

Rowan- Not so good. Gabrielle called earlier and told me that mom was abusing her. Sabrina and I just got off the plane in Albany, New York in order to find Gabrielle and help her. We were wondering if you knew where they lived.

Dad- Is Gabrielle okay?

Rowan- I don't know. That's why we are trying to find them. Do you know anything?

Dad- Actually, I do. Can I meet you at the airport in 45 minutes?

Rowan- That would be great! Thanks dad!

I hang up and tell Sabrina what my dad said.

"That's great! Finally something good is happening." Sabrina exclaims.

~Around 45 Minutes Later~

My dad meets us around where Sabrina and I were waiting outside. Both of us get into his car and Dad starts driving.

"You do know where you are going, right?" I ask my dad.

"Yeah. Luckily, Gabrielle has been writing to me and I have the address to where she has been writing to me."

"Okay, good."

"It's around five minutes from here too."

"Even better." Sabrina says.

"So how have you two lovely ladies been up to?" My dad asks.

I look towards Sabrina, motioning to tell my dad about Peyton.

"Well, Mr.Blanchard, we actually dealt with a loss yesterday."

"Oh I'm so sorry! Do you mind if I ask who?"

"Peyton." Sabrina's voice cracks.

"That's horrible! I'm so sorry! When is the funeral?"

"We actually don't know." I jump in the conversation. "But I know Mrs.Meyer and she is probably going to keep it small. I'll try to get you invited, Dad."

"That's nice of you sweetie but I don't need to come. I'll be fine here."

"Are you sure?"


The car became silent for a minute. We were all hoping for Gabrielle to be okay. My dad broke the silence.

"So... is anything else new?"

"Well... We finished filming Girl Meets First Date know..." I told my dad.

"That's awesome! When is it going to air?"

"Probably in a few months or so. We still have to edit the footage and create a commercial for it."

"I can't wait to see it!"

We arrived in the driveway of a house.

"This is it." My dad says.

The house was small. Very small. It was made of dark, brown wood that was decaying. The house even had broken parts on the outside of it. I couldn't imagine living in a house like this.

"Should we go in?" Sabrina asks.

"I guess so." I answer.

"Can I stay out here? Because...well...the divorce..." Dad asks.

"Sure." I say and walk to the door with Sabrina following. Sabrina knocks on the door and we wait for an answer.

The door opens and I see a lady who looks to be my mom.

"Hi mom." I say and look at her.

"Rowan. How are you?"

"Fine. May we come in?"

"Yes." She stands aside and lets us through. I sit on the old, small couch in the house.

"Where's Gabrielle?" I ask my mom.

"She's in her room. Why?"

"May we talk to her?"

"Sure. Through the hall, first door on the left."

"Thank you. Excuse us."

I walk into the skinny hall and whisper to Sabrina "Help Gabrielle pack. I'll talk to my mom."

"Got it. Don't you want to see her first?"

"Yeah, just for a few minutes. I don't want to waste a lot of time."

Sabrina opens the door and we walk into the room.

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