Chapter 18

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Rowan's P.O.V

-6 hours later-

It's been six hours since Peyton passed away and is now 2:36 in the morning. Peyton's death date was October 16th, 2015 at 7:36 in the afternoon. That day will be in a sad, but special place in my heart.

Since it's way past midnight, I decide to go to sleep. I brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, change into my pajamas, and crawl into bed. I fall asleep almost instantly.

I'm in a world that's bright and colorful. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. Children running around with friends and playing on equipment. Wait...I'm at my elementary school.

I walk around and sit on an empty swing, one that' no one is around. Then, I look to my left and see Peyton. I gasp.

"Rowan, it's okay. It's me, Peyton."

"I know. But...didn't you die?"

"Yeah. That's why I'm visiting you in your dream. I did promise you I would always be with you in spirit."

"But how are you doing this?"

"Just one of the pros of the non-living world."

"How's it the non-living world?"

"That is information I'm not supposed to give out. But, one day when you die, which hopefully is many years away, you'll find out."

"Okay. It's cool."

"Hey, Rowan?" Peyton says after a long moment of silence.


"I know about Jacob."


"Up here, I can receive lots of information. Like I know who you'll fall in love with once you get over me, who you'll marry, who you'll still be friends with later in life, etc. etc."

"Who will I marry?"

"That, is for you to find out and for me to watch over you. But, I will tell you to stick with Sabrina and Corey. They will turn out to be great friends."

"Okay, thanks. So what do you know about Jacob?"

"That you were cheating on me with him."

"I know that was wrong, but I only did because..."

"Because you didn't have the heart to say no. But it's okay Rowan. Everyone makes mistakes."

"So you forgive me?"

"Of course I do!"

All of a sudden the scenery changes to John Quincy Adam gym set from the show.

"Since I won't be able to attend prom with you, I figured why not go now while in the Girl Meets World show, which I know is a special place for you in your heart."

"But what about my prom dress?"

Peyton's clothes suddenly change into a tux. I gasp. "Just think of the dress you would want to wear to prom, and it'll appear."

"Okay." I think of a blue and purple mixed dress with straps that go down to my ankles. Of course, it appears. I decide to stay in my sneakers. Out of thin air, slow music starts playing.

"May I have this dance?" Peyton asks me.

"Of course."

I take Peyton's hand and start slow dancing with him. I lay my head on his shoulder. This is so relaxing.

Then, all around me, everything goes dark.

I open my eyes to realize the dream was over.

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