Chapter 11

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Sabrina's P.O.V

So Corey and I had a "sleepover" I guess two nights ago. No, nothing happened beside a kiss on the cheek or two. But hey, I don't mind taking it slow.

Rowan's P.O.V

It's been two days now since my birthday. I'm still thinking about the two boyfriend thing. I can't break either of their hearts. I'm too nice of a person.

I'm also too nice that I said yes to two guys in one day.

I think it would only be right to break up with Jacob only because I said yes to him second. But... If I said yes, does that mean I don't like Peyton?

I guess I'll just have to see how this date goes.

~later that day~

It was now 2:00 and Peyton should be at my apartment any minute. We planned to go on a picnic at the park down the street from my house.

Since it's just the park, I'm wearing jeans up to my knees and a t-shirt that says "2 fab 4 you". After all, it is autumn.

All of a sudden I hear someone knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I call, even though I obviously know it's Peyton.

"Your boyfriend!"

I almost wanted to say 'which one to be exact?' but I kept my mouth shut.

I walk of to the door, unlock it, and open the door.

"Hey Peyton!" I say then kiss him on the cheek.

"That's all I get?" He says. Then he leans in and kisses my on the lips. After 10 seconds or so I pull away, breaking the kiss.

"Rowan are you okay? You seem a little different today." Peyton says with obvious concern.

"Yeah I'm fine. My stomach just hurts a bit." Okay, I didn't fully lie to him. My stomach actually does hurt a little bit.

"Do you want to stay here and have our picnic? You know...because of your stomach."

"Yeah, okay." I agree.

Peyton walks over to my couch and lays out a red and white checkered blanket in front of it. Then he sits down with his back to the couch and I sit down next to him.

Peyton opens the picnic basket and pulls out two obviously handmade sandwiches, 4 water bottles, 2 apples, and a pack of oreos for us to share.

"Dig in!" Peyton announces.

I start with eating the sandwich. Mmm. Turkey and cheese. My favorite. "Peyton. This is so good."

"Thank you."

We start talking for a bit about normal stuff. The show, our friends, sports (brought up by Peyton), Project Runway (brought up by me), and more.

Then, after about 45 minutes, I think of Jacob. Oh gosh. I have to tell Peyton.



"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course! You can tell me anything."

"Okay... So...umm..."

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