Chapter 13

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Rowan's P.O.V

As soon as Peyton slams the door, I text Sabrina.

R- Peyton and I broke up. Come here ASAP.

S- Be there in 5

Sabrina came in under 4 minutes. The moment she came in I started crying. I wasn't sobbing...yet.

Sabrina came over and sat next me on the couch.

"Sweetie, what happened?"

I explain to Sabrina the story of our date and the breakup. As soon as I finish, Sabrina hugs me.

"Well, now you can freely date Jacob." Sabrina says supportingly.

"Y-yeah. T-that's tr-true." I'm still sobbing but I've calmed a bit. "B-but I honestly liked Peyton. N-not n-not Jacob."

"Well honey, then break up with Jacob and be single for a while."

"Wait... What if I can make Peyton jealous?" My crying slows down now.

"What do you mean?"

"W-what if we could get Jacob here and Peyton see us together and...and..."

"Say no more. I know what you mean. Ask Jacob if he could stay here for a week or so and ALWAYS be super loving."

"What if Peyton's not around?"

"Just always be loving 1.- just invade he is and 2.- so Jacob doesn't suspect anything."

"Okay, I can do that. Thanks Sabrina."

Peyton's P.O.V

I feel bad for breaking up with Rowan. I really do like her. The plan really was to break up with Amanda, not Rowan. I never liked Amanda in the first place. She's like another Missy from girl meets world.

I decide to call Corey while driving home. Don't worry, the phones hooked up to my car.

Corey picks up in the 3rd ring.

C- Hey Peyton. What's up?

P- Um. Hey. Listen... Rowan and I just broke up...

C- Already?!?

P- Yeah. She overheard my phone call with Amanda.

Corey was the only one who knew about Amanda.

C- What did you say to Amanda?

P- We were talking about her plan to break up with Rowan...

C- Didn't you tell Rowan that the plan was Amanda's idea and not yours?



P-Core, calm down.

C- What the heck man? You and Rowan could still be dating!

P- I never thought of that...

C- Peyton! You're so freaking stupid!

P- Yeah... I've noticed.

C- You have to go back to her apartment and explain.

P- Okay. Fine. I will.

I turn around and drive back to Rowan's apartment.

C- Jezze Peyton you're so oblivious at times.

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