chapter 26/epilogue:the flames of the forge is unyielding

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3rd pov

He opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by darkness, he had died..
The god of the forge was silent but he clenched his teeth.

Hephaestus:"I refuse to die here..." He focused, as he felt his energy slowly return to him "they're depending on me...tch I'm a god and I refuse to be die just yet!" He was surrounded by a flaming aura, as the once pitch black darkness was consumed by flames.

Scene change

The chaldea group was heading to the throne room they were close, but they stopped as the entire area shook, and the temperature increase.

Then it happened a pillar name out of pure flames shot from the throne of goetias room, as the surrounding debris was picked up due to the power.

The air felt suffocating it was hard to breath, and the pillar of flames stopped. The group notice crimson flames surrounding the entire area and a familiar godly energy could be sensed by ritsuka and his sister.

With hephaestus

Hephaestus jumped out of the crater, his hair was on fire, he cracked his knuckles and looked at goetia who stared at him in fear.

Goetia:"how-" He didn't say anything else, as hephaestus speed blitzed him the god of the forge grabbed his arm.

Hephaestus:"I'm going to beat you so fucking bad that you'd wish you were dead." Hephaestus threw him far as the god appeared above the demon god and he slammed him downwards, as hephaestus appeared beside Goetia and punched him in the face, as the area behind the demon god was melted due to the intense heat.

Hephaestus watched as goetia flew far as he disappeared leaving a trail of destruction behind him he appeared beside the demon god, as he grabbed goetias leg and spun him around throwing him back to the throne. The god appeared above goetia and he slammed his foot down on to goetias stomach sending the demon flying to the ground in front of his throne.

Goetia tried to his body was broken completely. Hephaestus appeared above him looking down at him, as the god grinned and pointed his finger at goetia.

Hephaestus:"hell" goetia was consumed by a pillar of blue flames, as the demon god and his surrounding areas were melted.

Goetia jumped up and tried to punch hephaestus but the god looked unamused, as he back handed goetia.

Hephaestus:"didn't you hear what I said....I was going to beat you so badly that you'd wish you were dead?" His eyes seemed to glow silver, as he dashed forward appearing behind goetia, as the demon god was hit several times in countless different directions until he was sent flying into a cliff. "Judgment" He raised his hand, as he looked down at goetia and countless magic circles appeared above the demon god.

It was as if hell had been spilled upon earth goetia was hit by countless flame spells that were the size of Africa. The demon god was being burnt alive. Hephaestus blue flames affected both the soul and body, so in a way this was goetias punishment.

Hephaestus floated to the ground, as he stood in front of goetia the demon god looked up in fear. The Greek God looked down in disappointment.

Hephaestus:"you truly are sad...." He summoned a sword in hand, as it glowed radiating power. "You tried to hurt humanity and in the end that was your down fall.....farewell goetia.." He cut goetia in half, the sword was made long ago as a contingency plan against the Greek gods if they were to attack humanity. In a way the blade was similar to a work of one of hephaestus's children a man known as senji muramasa.

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