chapter 18:if a gun doesn't do the job try two

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3rd pov:

Hephaestus and the group could be seen walking through the mansion as they found the libary and a note left by the now deceased victor Frankenstein, as they found a girl. Hephaestus told them that she is a artificial human made by victor, the group named her fran.

Mordred:"tch do we have to walk back, my feet are killing me." She groaned in annoyance

Ritsuka:"well yeah, unless someone here knows how to teleport us, we'll have to walk back." Mordred huffed in annoyance.

Hephaestus walked forward and stretched his right arm outward, as a katana appeared in his hand.

Mordred:"hey gramp, what the hell are you doing?" Hephaestus didn't respond as he made an x slash and without warning a portal opened.

Hephaestus:"you said you didn't want to walk so let's go." The group walked through the portal as they appeared beside a startled gudako, as well as the other servants that were there. "Heh it's been a while since i used it, but it seems i can still use it correctly." Hephaestus yawned, as the god sat on the sofa and listened to the others conversation.  He looked up and noticed gudako and her group leaving with mordred to get rid of some magic tomes that have been attacking people.

Hephaestus:"oi brat." Gudako looked at hephaestus, as the god handed her a pistol. "Just use it when they get close to you also be careful." Gudako nodded as her group left.

(Timeskip brought to you by chibi hephaestus running away from musashi)

Hephaestus looked as gudako's group had finally arrived back at base, as he noticed a boy with blue hair. Mordred sat on the couch as she started to complain about how tired she was. The group talked about a new individual that had attacked them who goes by P.

Ritsuka, mash, and hephaestus went after mordred who went looking for P, as the group walked through the foggy streets killing any monster's that crossed their path. They met a man wearing a green suit, after mordred had yelled to fight more enemies. as a man wearing a white suit appeared in front of him.

Mordred:"finally you reveal yourself coward, now come on fight us!" As paracelsus explained how his group would pick up servants that were summoned by the fog.

Hephaestus:"ok I'm bored now." A gunshot was heard as paracelsus was shot in the leg, hephaestus made sure to create a bullet that rid the target the ability to use their mana for a temporary amount of time. "Well that was anticlimactic, well let's go." He walked forward and bandaged up paracelsus wound, as he carried him back to the base. "Shakespeare follow us, once we back we'll interrogate paracelsus." The others nodded as the group walked back to the base.

Hephaestus:"yo" as he greeted the others they noticed the two new individual especially noticing paracelsus wound.

Gudako:"is that Mr. P, why is he here?" She looked at hephaestus as he grabbed a chair  and sat the man down then tied him up, as the greek god dragged the chair outside.

Hephaestus:"I'll be right back." He closed tne door to Jekyll place, as he continued to drag the chair far away. "So tell me what you know."

Paracelsus:"no! why the hell would i sell out my comrades." Hephaestus grinned.

Hephaestus:"There are over two hundred bones in the human body, these are grown over a span of a few months and take a few more years to fully develop. But it'll take me less than a minute to break them all" paracelsus seemed to pale at that. "You have till the count of three." He started to count down as he was about to say three, the caster awnsered out of pure fear.

Paracelsus:"makiri zolgen , he's the one who know's the location of the holy grail your group seeks, babbage is also being used to help create some of the enemies you'll encounter." Hephaestus chuckled.

Hephaestus:"see that wasn't hard at all, and for tell me this I'll." Paracelsus  seemed ready to be released "end your life." He pulled out his gun.

With the other.

Ritsuka:"what do you think, hephaestus is going to do?" He looked at the others.

Anderson:"probably torture him, or threaten to torture paracelsus. It can go either wa-" as he was about to finish talking a loud gunshot could be heard outside. "Well we got our answer." He sipped a cup of coffee he had made for himself. As the others stared at him for his nonchalant behavior.  The door opened to reveal hephaestus wiping some blood off his face with a napkin.

Hephaestus:"we got our answer, tesla knows the whereabouts of the grail." Yharon flew off of jacks head who was sitting down. The group looked between each other before nodding "also fran, if you don't mind lead us to babbage from what paracelsus told me he is currently being used by the one who has the grail." As fran nodded, the group followed her.

The group finally arrived as the group met charles babbage, as he and fran talked with each other until there was interference from angrboda, as the giant bot started to fight the group, as babbage fell to his knees he told the others of an underground location which contains the core of the fog. As the group took fran back to Jekyll, they rested.

The next day the two groups had now combined as some hid in their spirit form, as they were in tunnels under the city. The group finally encountered zolgen, as he turned into a demon god pillar hephaestus ended the battle by using yamato ability to break reality. As they were about to finish him, zolgen started to speak a chant as he escaped by using homunculus to distract the group. As they looked for the servant that had been summoned as the group arrived seeing nikola tesla surrounded by the fog. As mordred released her noble phantasm and the group battle against him but the fog came back as tesla ran away towards the surface the group followed.
Chapter 19:electricity against the heat of a gods forge.


We can see a house as it zooms into a room revealing hephaestus who taking a nap, as jack who was currently wearing clothes hephaestus made for her opens the door to the bedroom  as they run towards the bed. As jack shook hephaestus awake.

Jack:"Wake up dad, i missed the bus." Hephaestus opened his eyes instantly, as he grabbed her and jumps out the opened window summoning yharon, the two rode the dragon.

Omake end

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