chapter 25:final singularity:solomon

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3rd pov

After the 6th singularity, hephaestus decided to stay behind as he learned what had happened from his master after they came back.

Hephaestus knew that the final singularity was coming up, so the red haired male let out a sigh, as he arrived in the summoning room beside his master.

His sister had summoned Ishtar, gilgamesh caster, quetzalcoatl an Aztec God, and someone called jaguar man The red haired male nodded to them, as gilgamesh recognized the god of the forge, and he felt jaguar man staring at him.

As his master started his summon he summoned several individuals including artoria lancer, gilgamesh archer, and merlin

Hephaestus looked at the mage who noticed hephaestus glare. The mage of flower grinned nervously as he tried to back away noticing the exit.

Hephaestus:"we...need to talk....old friend..." He smiled but everyone could feel the venom from his voice, as he squeezed merlin's shoulder and pulled the mage by his own cloak dragging the mage of flowers away.

Everyone else was confused until they heard screaming that mostly sounded like merlin's voice as it continued on for several minutes.

Hephaestus walked back in with fou on his shoulder, the little beast helped him in his torturing of merlin. The red haired older male nodded to his master who seemed worried for merlin.

Scene change

The two masters stood in front of Romani, both wearing new mystic codes for the up coming battle both had been told that the final singularity had appeared.

The two siblings were preparing to go all out, as ritsuka looked at hephaestus noticing the god was currently thinking, as they got in to the Rayshift sending them straight to

The two were sent to the singularity their chosen servants following close behind. The group found themselves standing in the temple of time but hephaestus could sense that chaldea had been transported into the temple

Lev appeared before then, as he told them of the king of mages and he started to get annoyed at the fact that chaldea each singularity that was sent at the group.

Lev:"I am different then before..." He glared at the group, as hephaestus summoned his weapon "listen well I am the demon god Flauros! One of rhe seventy two demon gods" He transformed into a giant pillar made out of eyes.

Ritsuka:"hephaestus! Go to chaldea and make sure those bastards don't lay a finger on our home!" Hephaestus nodded, as he disappeared.

Scene change

Chaldea was being attacked by some demon gods, as hephaestus appeared out of no where and killed them.

Hephaestus:"romani...tell the others servants to get ready and help ritsuka and gudako!" He yelled out loud enough for the orange haired male to hear. "It's about time I got serious!" He closed his eyes and got into a running position.

Hephaestus could sense the other demon gods appearing, as his master was outmatched the blacksmith knew it was no longer time to hold back.

Hephaestus:"god speed" He charged forward as he disappeared to a normal individual view but the destruction he caused was immense. As he destroyed demon gods pillars that were hit with the intense heat he produced causing the land around the pillars to be destroyed turned into nothingness. 

With the masters and servants.

Ritsuka:"I can feel hephaestus power from here....he's not holding back anymore." Those words confused those around him until a loud explosion could be heard, as heracles blocked an attack from a demon god pillar that almost hit ritsuka "thanks heracles." The giant berserker nodded.

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