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Action while speaking:*
Whispering:' bold
3rd pov:

As the sunlight would shine through the curtains we can see the main character sleeping in his bed, before being awoken by his alarm clock

Lorenzo:"*yawn* ugh, what to do this Saturday" he got up and stretched wondering what should he do today, as he went downstairs to make himself some breakfest.

As he opened up the fridge he noticed it was empty and he didn't have any ingredients to cook himself some food for the morning.

Lorenzo:"*sigh* just my luck" he said in an annoyed tone as he got up and put on his coat, grabbed his keys, grabbed his wallet, and put on his shoes. to head to the store just down the street from his home.

he got out of his house,  he locked the door, and started heading out passing by many people not caring what they were talking about, as lorenzo finally arrived at the store and went inside while also greeting the cashier, he grabbed a basket as he walked through the aisles, grabbing what he needed before heading toward the cashier.

As lorenzo finished paying for his stuff he walked out and started heading toward his home as he stopped notcing a crowd looking out towards the bridge near his apartment.

Stranger:" someone please help that kid!?" The stranger pointed towards a car dangling on the bridge looking like its about to fall with a kid inside

Lorenzo dropped his bags before going on a full on sprint not caring for his surroundings, as he arrived at the car before slowly and carefully climbing on to the hood of the car.

Lorenzo:"ok kiddo just take a deep breath." *he slowly started reaching for the kid* "just don't panic everything's gonna be a-ok" *he grabbed the kid as he felt the car almost falling of the edge as he realized something, he either dies with the kid or does some thing a hero would do "kid look at me, sometimes not everyone can be saved, so please don't mourn for me become someone that'll change the world, promise me that"

The kid:"o-ok" he looked confused and scared.

Lorenzo looked back at the people watching before smiling and saying this

Lorenzo:"CATCH!" He through the kid at the childs mother before feeling the car about to fall. "Hey" he looked at the people before smiling while crying a little bit, "tell my family, I'm sorry" as the car finally fell off the bridge taking lorenzo with it as he closed his eyes and waited for it all to end, as everything went fast before it turned into darkness.

3rd pov back on the bridge:

As all the passerby, looked in stunned silence, as they just watched an innocent man die saving a child, then the authorities arrived, as they were confused they looked at the civilians wondering what happened.

Police officer:"is everyone alright" as he noticed the women with her child near the edge of the bridge.

Stranger:"yes, almost everyone."

Police officer:"what happened?"

Stranger:"a man who looked to be in his 20's, went and helped the kid out of the car before it tipped over falling off the bridge taking the man with it towards the river" the police officer nodded before calling in some of the harbor patrol telling them to search for the mans body, while he did that the mother's child was being checked up on by the paramedics.


After searching for 2 hours they were able to find Lorenzo's body as they took him out of the river, as his family was told what had happened, his funeral was held a couple days later, during it the mother and her child were there to pay respects to lorenzo.

Location U̷̞͉̲͚͐̽̌̽̋́̔̈n̸̡̨̦͍̞̟͙̟̠̰̬̩̓̃̂̋̾ķ̴̨̢̛̲͖̗̣͓̠͆͗͐̑͒o̵̧̖̻̗̲͋̈̄̃ͅẁ̴̡͚̣̻̰̖̥͔̜͎̮͖̦̃̑́̽͐̉́̎͝ͅn̷̤̰̞̯̣̫̂̐̎̽̆̅͗̄͊̈́͊͛̉̕͠, 3rd pov:

Lorenzo opened his eyes looking confused as to where he was. As he looked around he noticed a glowing orb floating in front of him, as he looked at it before poking it a couple times.

Lorenzo:"are you alive."

Glowing orb:"why yes, it was quite rude of you to poke me repeatedly." Lorenzo jumped up, startled by the voice coming from the orb, as the orb chuckled at lorenzo being startled by it.

Lorenzo:"so where am i, also what are you?"

Glowing orb:" i am what you people refer to as god, also you're in limbo, i wanted to see if you'll accept my proposition for you."

Lorenzo:"what's the proposition, and also why me? What did i do to get your attention?"

God:"your noble sacrifice and your soul is different then what i remembered it to be." Lorenzo tilted his head confused by what the god meant, "your soul was made out of pure determination  before it split into 4 different colors, one of them was determination, the second justice, the third bravery and the last one perseverance, i was confused until i realized your the reason it changed so much. Your determination not to give up, your sense of justice, being able to be brave and not back down and finally the perseverance to keep going even when life was pushing you down."


God:"ah, i wish to make a deal with you boy, you can either stay dead and go to heaven or be reincarnated as someone else."

Lorenzo:"hm but who will i be reincarnated as?"

God:"you'll be reincarnated as hephaestus the blacksmith god."

Lorenzo:"sure, I'll do it."

God:"oh and why is that, most have a reason for their reincarnation, like fulfilling a dream, or wanting power so what is it."

Lorenzo:" well most would do if for power, but i want to help hephaestus, because he has suffered so much because of his so called family and i want to make a difference."

God:"*smiles* alright then, but i will give you two wishes before you leave, they'll be able to aid you on your journey."

Lorenzo:" hm, ok one of my wishes is to be able to create weapons from different video games i have played and the second one, is to just have the ability to not be held back by the rules of reality."

God:"hm I'll allow it, also i have given you two extra abilities. 1. Is the ability to use soul magic, and the second one is that hephaestus body will be replaced by yours so that you won't be disabled, you'll have most of hephaestus abilities. And last but not least have a good life." The god snapped his fingers as lorenzo will be blinded by the light as he would disappear from limbo.


To be continued
Next chapter:the start of a new life, and also i hate ares.

To be continued Next chapter:the start of a new life, and also i hate ares

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the blacksmith god, reincarnated Where stories live. Discover now