chapter 19:Goetia vs heph(not really)

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3rd pov:

The group could be seen running through the foggy streets of London but there was one missing, hephaestus had been able to keep up with tesla as the two stared each other down until an electric stairway appeared and tesla tried to escape but was stopped by another individual, as the new servant introduced himself as sakata kintoki the new servant started to talk with tesla.

Kintoki was on the side of good even though he was a berserker, he also figured out Tesla's plan but had stopped him from going any higher. Tesla unfortunately forgot about one person.

Kintoki:"I've got the help of tamamo-no-mae, and she'll help me out here." He grinned finally noticing hephaestus standing behind tesla.

Tesla:"....ah...i forgot about you." Chains suddenly wrapped around tesla. "Hephaestus...the blacksmith God, to think that i would meet not only a demigod but a full blooded god."

Hephaestus:"I'll just do everyone a favor and end this" he pulled out a pistol as he fired it into nikolas heart then head. "To be honest i don't know why you heroes don't use guns." He looked at kintoki and tamamo "come on you two let's wait for the others." The two followed the greek god as the stairway disappeared.

Kintoki:"hey old man, who are the others we're waiting for?" Hephaestus closed his eyes and stretched.

Hephaestus:"the group i arrived with, we are an organization known as chaldea that gets rid of singularities like these." Kintoki nodded. "I was summoned as the servant class ruler." As the two talked while tamamo stood neside kintoki, the others arrived a couple minutes later.

Ritsuka:"hephaestus, where's nikola?" The god held up a gun, as ritsuka understood that Tesla had been defeated. "Oh...i guess that was pretty easy."

Hephaestus:"did you lot get the holy grail?" Ritsuka realized that they had forgot the grail on angrboda "let's go grab it..." just as the group was about to leave a new servant appeared before them as it appeared to be an alter version of artoria that wielded rhongomyniad, as the group got ready to fight.

Ritsuka:"hephaestus, go get the grail..I'd rather not deal with another servant absorbing the grail."

Hephaestus nodded as he left to grab the grail. As he arrived at angrboda and grabbed the grail, but stopped noticing a new energy similar to a rayshift. As the figure appeared a few feet in front of him.

???:"hm, the others have failed me, but i wonder how this will play out." Hephaestus glared at the new individual. "Your little group isn't's only you, i guess they are dealing with the alter right now. Well i should introduce myself, my name is Solomon a grand servant." Hephaestus laughed at Solomon.

Hephaestus:"what do you take me for an idiot, i know who you are demon god." Goetia glared at him. "I figured out who the real Solomon is, so i narrowed it down."

Goetia:" be found out by a blacksmith god no less." The two continued to stare each other down.

Hephaestus:"do you want to fight demon or are you afraid to fight me?" He jumped backwards as a blast of magic was aimed at him. "Heh so their is a bit of an actual fighter in that wretched body." Hephaestus was sent flying backwards by a punch.

Goetia:"Die!" He sent attacks at hephaestus as each collided with the god "haha take that you damned annoyance" before he could see it he was sent flying through the ceiling to the surface by a uppercut

Hephaestus:"all talk, no bite." He appeared beside Goetia who was still in the air, as he grabbed the demon then spun him around "So long dumbass demon." As Goetia was sent flying into the ground. Hephaestus landed beside the crater as he looked into it. "Hello, dumbass you still breathing?" He shrugged as he walked away.

Goetia:"You damn dare you make a fool out of me!" Hephaestus dodged the the left as a blast of magic had almost hit him.


Goetia:"what?" Hephaestus grinned at the demon god.

Hephaestus:"'s so sad Solomon died of ligma." The demon god was now being trolled by a greek god, meanwhile in avalon merlin could be seen laughing.

Goetia:"what the hell's a ligma? Hephaestus appeared in front of him.

Hephaestus:"ligma balls." Hephaestus flicked Goetia on the forehead using some of his true god strength with the flick. 

The demon god got up out of the crater as he released some of his power

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The demon god got up out of the crater as he released some of his power.

Goetia:"THAT IS IT, YOU DAMN GOD. HOW DARE YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OUT OF ME!?" He looked ready to destroy hephaestus who was just standing there while smiling, as the greek looked at the fourth wall for s second.

Hephaestus:"y'all hear sounds like the crys of a sore loser." He leaned left as an attack almost hit him, but another attack caught hephaestus by suprise sending the greek god flying through the air as he was then sent flying towards the ground landing against the wall of a house.

Goetia:"that may not have killed you but damn did it feel good." The demon grinned but his smile faltered as he noticed hephaestus getting up.

Hephaestus:"to be honest..I'll give it a.. hmmm an 8/10, i mean it was a good effort but neither of us have been putting our all into this little fight of ours." Goetia looked confused. "I mean i haven't used a single one of the weapons i have created cause you haven't proven to me that your worth the effort. run along now,  i know you wanted to make some grand entrance but your wasting everyones time." The demon glared but left as hephaestus jogged towards the others arriving to see artoria alter lancer fading.

Ritsuka:"hephaestus your alright, romani told us some new energy signature was at your location." The greek handed ritsuka the grail.

Hephaestus:"well i met the one who's been causing these singularities, his name is goetia the leader of the 72 demon pillars." The others listened to hephaestus word. "Imma be honest with you lot, if he had shown up after you all defeated the new servant he would've beaten all of you." Hephaestus looked at the sky. "He'll probably be annoying to deal with, but either way it's time for us to leave this singularity" The servants that had been aiding them on this journey started to fade, as they asked the two masters to summon them back at chaldea, the group was then rayshifted back to chaldea. Hephaestus started to walk out the room but stopped at the door "romani, it's only fair that you tell the two who you really are, it'll only make things confusing for them from here on out, now if  you will excuse me... I'm going to take a nap." He walked out of the room heading towards his room to take a nap since he's you know old.
To be continued
Chapter 20
(I'll be making chapter 20 after i finish with making my other books hit chapter 10 also the next chapter is just a bit of filler.)

Little meme i just thought of.

Hephaestus:"this is Brilliant," he Points at a different types of blades as each seemed extremely well made. "But i like this." He pointed to a singular gun laying on a table.

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