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(I'm going to go through this and the other two series real quick cause uh hephaestus isn't in most of them except for the blood of Olympus and that's it, also should i have hephaestus  go to chaldea as a servant or a master since he can make himself human)
3rd POV, location:hephaestus domain:

Hephaestus could be seen walking around preparing for the battle with typhon, his family had been preparing for war against the titan since poseidon was busy dealing with the oceanus, and hades was still in the underworld. Hephaestus had told hades to aid the demigods when the time was right, He also told his children to be ready for the army and gave beckendorf a ring for his birthday that could protect him from powerful explosion (i wonder why hmmmmmmm)

The major gods of Olympus except for two left to fight typhon as they planned to hold him off for the time being as the battle raged on against typhon and the demigods battled the titan kronos army. Duringh the fight with typhon hephaestus had been sent flying which ended making him accidentally create a new lake.

The second titan war had ended 7 days later it had started on the 11th and ended on the 18th, the gods were promised to make sure all of their children were claimed by the age of 13, as hephaestus knew about the war against gaea, 2 month later zeus recalled the gods and forbidded all contact with demigods and mortals. A month later percy had gone missing due to hera's spectacular plan which doesn't do anything bad.

On august the 1st of 2010, gaeas children the giants fight against the demigods with the help of the gods, the mother of earth awaken due to the blood of annabeth and percy jackson, zeus sends the demigods back to camp by hitting them while they were on the ship, leo self destructs killing himself abd defeating gaea but is brought back by festus with a cure.

Apollo was kicked out of olympus and woke up a year later on January the 26th, he is helped by meg and secretly hephaestus who is lending his aid to his younger brother while making sure to not get caught by zeus who was being zeus. Hephaestus stops Jason's death by him sending a dragon that was crimson with green eyes to aid them which ended up with him being almost caught. The dragon aided the demigods on their adventure. 6 months later and apollo's trials had been completed, he was welcomed back into Olympus as hera accused zeus lf almost letting jason die but zeus had wondered outloud who had saved them without anyone noticing except for hera and artemis, apollo thanked hephaestus for the help. Now the alliance with the three godly pantheons had been set as chiron had told hephaestus about a cat and a severed head talking with the half horseman.

Days turned into months, and months turned into years, hephaestus spent most of his time testing his weapon bad being bored, hephaestus had made a sword that allowed him to trave to other dimensions, during the travels he met a man with a red tattoo on his face, he helped the man fron time to time and watched him destroy Olympus itself. He also met some kid who wanted to be a harem king or something like that, in a nice way of putting it  he may or may not have put the kid in his place and took something from his soul which was known as a sacred gear he also took a white one which allowed him to divide a individual power as he learned the magic out of boredom from the two spirits which inhabited the sacred gear, he was going to set the two free but the dragons declined and offered to be apart of the gods mortal form.

In 2019 a year before grand order happens he went to a world which depended on a flame that was kept lit by the ones known as the ashen one as he decided to end the worlds cycle of flame due to the fact it was nothing more but a flame which caused violence and suffering.

It was 2020 and hephaestus could be seen reading on some couch he had made in his domain out of boredom, as he was about to flip the page a bright light would surround him.
To be continued
Chapter 13:chaldea

Me after writing this chapter:

Me after writing this chapter:

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