chapter 10:these two annoyances and can i get a dam break

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3rd pov:

We see the 6 heroes walking through a town as they stop what seems to be a taco shop and decided to camp for the night, hephaestus kept to himself as he watched the others talked he thought about what he'll do after the percy jackson series he needed to prepare himself for the worst in case zeus tries to hurt any of the children in camp half-blood. He looked up to see ares pointing a sword at percy. He walked towards his brother as he grabbed his arm and twisted it.

Lorenzo/hephaestus:"and good evening to you as well brother" ares dropped his sword in pain, as the war god stared at hephaestus only to be glared back at with eyes filled with hate. "So what brings you here, you rapist."

Ares:"she want's to talk with them" he nodded towards the other 5, but before he could continue he was back handed into a building by hephaestus.

Hephaestus:"we're leaving I'm not dealing with either of them right now" percy looked confused until he realized who was in the vehicle as the 6 were about to walk away until she stepped out.

Aphrodite:"hello, hephaestus how have you been." The woman stared at her ex-husband even though she cheated on him deep down she thought he still loved her, well guess what? He hates her with a passion.

Hephaestus:"what does the cheating whore want from me." He turned and stared at her with disgust in his eyes, hephaestus looked away and started heading to the junkyard that belonged to him the others  followed him while aphrodite and ares where left behind.

The 6 hero's arrived in the middle of the junkyard, the others stared at most of the objects and were amazed.

Hephaestus:"you kid's can take one thing, if you're wondering no most of the things aren't defective, or faulty i just made it a lie so none of the other gods don't try stealing my projects, bastards are greedy." He whistled, as a humongous robotic dog a bit bigger then Cerberus would rise out of a pile of junk, as it walked towards hephaestus and started licking him. "Good to see you as well sif, how has guard dog duty been." The robotic dog started speaking in morse code to talk with the god. After a couple of minutes the group headed out of the junkyard, as they continued on there journey. The group arrived at a river with canoes as they all got in and rode the canoes to the end of the river which led to hoover dam.

Hephaestus:"well this is gonna be a dam problem for us." Percy and grover snickered

Grover:"i could use some dam french fries." The 3 tried holding back there laughter.

Thalia:"and i need to use the dam restroom."

Percy:"i want to use the dam water foutain"

Bianca:"and i want to buy myself a dam t-shirt." As the 5 finished making jokes leaving a confused zoe abouf what just happened. Percy looked startled as he told the the others to go ahead, as they did that and left percy there. Hephaestus reached into his jacket pocket which could protect many things as he pulled little h as the cat meowed at it's owner for leaving in it for so long then he pulled out a stop watch as he pressed it confusing the others.

Grover:"uh hephaestus sir what's with the stop watch."

Hephaestus:"I'm timing to see how long percy will take to get in trouble and lead said trouble to us, also this is rascal." He said presenting the cat to the others as said cat jumped back into his jacket pocket and went to sleep. They arrived at the snack bar and ordered their food sadly they didn't have ramen, 'wait aren't i a god.' A bowl of ramen would appear in hephaestus hands as the god of the forge ate in peace while the other's waited for their food.

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