chapter 5:timeskip to present day

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Hephaestus/lorenzo pov:

As the years had passed, i had to take care of both artemis and apollo and made sure the two weren't idiots and had manners, they were put in the council by zeus, i met my younger brother dionysus the god of wine and fertility, i taught him to be humble, to be good at making wine and not let his godly power get to his head the third sibling i met was hermes he was smart and he showed me his creation the lyre and asked me to create multiple for the humans, which i did. I met pan the god of the wild and we became friends i always treated him like a brother, when he disappeared i was distraught, i know what had happened to him.

I've watched countless hero's rise and fall, sometimes helped them with their duties, as artemis grew up, she disliked men well except for me and decided to create the group known as the hunters of artemis, as her group grew, she usually asked me for help whenever they needed more bows and arrows, as she met orion the giant they became friends as i helped orion from time to time. Then greece fell and rome took it's place as they changed the gods and goddesses giving them new names as well as introducing new ones as well, i would usually greet them, as my name was changed to Vulcan which was weird but whatever. As the years passed, i met a wizard known as merlin he asked me to help create a sword known as excalibur as i helped make it as well as two other versions of it as well as a powerful spear known as Rhongomyniad, i watched the rise of that kingdom and the fall it was quite sad and idiotic.

I would sometimes make the weapons of powerful heroes who were respected, but due to hades i found out about something called the throne of heroes as i met different heroes some of them thought i was a cripple god because of the stories, but i wasn't, as time passed i kept doing the same thing. i was able to unlock ultra instinct but i only use it in emergencies, as i went to London during the time of jack the ripper, i was able to meet them? I found out it was only a being made out the spirits of children, whenever i would visit them she would always call me father and each time i visited her, i would treat her as if she was my daughter.

I also met the Oracle and i always looked at my younger and asked why there were so many Oracles all he needed was one, i met each Oracle. Whenever i was on Olympus, i always felt like i was being stared at i wondered who kept staring at me as i walked through the streets of Olympus, later i found out it was aphrodite she still wants to be remarried.

It's September 2 1945 the end of ww2 my father and uncles have made an oath to not have any children due to the good side being made up of Poseidon and zeus children and the bad side being made up of hades children and recieving a prophecy from the oracle, as i noticed hades leaving i followed him and teleported with him and used one of my weapons to hide my presence as i saw two children with his aura and a women as well, as the two talked i felt zeus finding their location as the women left to get something i followed her, as i used my powers to protect her as the smoke cleared i heard hades running towards my location.

I coughed because of the dust, " she's alright uncle, i suggest you hide those two before my horrible father finds them." As hades arrived st my location he heard my voice, he looked stunned before seeing his lover ok, he ran toward her and hugged her.

My uncle and his lover talked before looking at the children as i felt the presence of a fury, i looked at it before giving it an order, to put the two in the lotus hotel and casino, as i put a necklace on the two children that would help them hide their powers and wipe their memories until the prophecy has passed, as the fury nodded leaving in a hurry. I looked at my uncle before he hugged me thanking me for what I've done as his lover thanked me as well, i told the two to leave before Zeus sends another lightning bolt again at us, hades was about to leave, but the spirit of delphi appeared. As she scolded hades telling him its his fault my uncle enraged cursed the poor woman before i could stop him. He left with his lover maria de angelo to the underworld, i left and went to chiron to talk with him, i talked with chiron for a couple hours as he offered me a position at his camp, i

i didn't let my family know is that i would visit camp Jupiter from time to time in my vulcan form, i had many children i would visit them and their mothers from time to time unlike other gods who cared not for their children, since i became a director at camp half blood as well as dionysus, who had to do it because of being a complete horny bastard, i treated my nephews and neices equally and would always help them even if their godly parent didn't like me [I'm looking at you ares]. I met a women during the 1994 and we had a child in the 1995, she named him leo, it was eighth birthday to day, when i got there the authorities where there they told me what had happened and they asked me where i was, i told them i was at work, they told me my son was missing.

As the years passed zeus had a child, she died in a spot where zeus spared her and turned her into a tree. I met annabeth chase and luke, i helped them recover as well as the satyr who helped them, the council threatened the satyr but i interfered i told them it was idiotic sending a beginner to help three demigod children and thinking he would make it as they realized i was right, they apologized. Now it's april 2006 i wonder what this year holds for me. Oh wait...fuck i forgot about him

To be continued
Next chapter meeting Poseidon son/my cousin

Authors note:
•ok in the percy Jackson series it takes place through 2006-2011
•the fate grand order stuff i will make it happen in 2020 because 1. that year was a fucking mess 2. Because why not and between that 2011 and 2020 i will make a time skip explaing what hephaestus does during that time.
(Hope you enjoyed)

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(^my sister made it for me for my last years Christmas present)

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(^my sister made it for me for my last years Christmas present)

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