Chapter 31/ Passing Time

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The only thing you got from Akutagawa that night, was "Read".


"I- maybe he's just busy or got side tracked." You mumbled to yourself, trying your best to calm your anxiety.

There's no way he'd leave you on read, just to leave you on read, he wouldn't be that cruel to you, right?

You decided to head to bed, hoping by the time you awoke he'll have responded.


It had been a week, and yet there was nothing from Akutagawa.

He was still out in the south with Chuuya, so you and the others have had to pick up some of the slack of their work.

You didn't mind though, anything to pass time was a blessing for you.

You didn't know why Akutagawa was going radio silent, or what was going on in his head.

Though you knew you were hurt, upset, and even angry at him for leaving you so in the dark.

When you were off work though you'd spend your time staring at your phone, or taking Tachihara's offer and hanging out with him.

You've become closer to him lately, especially with jokes about how you two met, and how he has been so kind ever since. 

Tachihara still apologizes about stealing your bag and getting you stuck on here. Though you didn't care anymore, because ya it sucked at first, but things are amazing now.

Besides the situation with Akutagawa.

While you and Tachihara were joking about him stealing your bag, the subject of your old hobbies came up.

Something you soon started to miss doing, so you decided why not start them up again.

Since you had nothing to do anyway.


"I can show you if you like?" You said, offering to teach Tachihara how to draw.

"I don't know man, I've never really been the artistic type."

You laughed a bit, closing your eyes as you grabbed some supplies. "It's okay, I wasn't either at first."

"Okay I'll try, but it won't be any good." He said, laughing as he took the pencil and paper from you.

You decided to start simple, deciding an eye would be easy for the man.


"Come on!" He said as he erased his work once again. Slightly chuckling at his struggle.

You laughed with the man, watching as he struggled. "It was so good this time though!"

"Well not good enough for me." He joked, attempting the steps you gave him again.

You shook your head as you continued with yours, watching him as he worked.

You two did this for awhile, just drawing and laughing as you passed time, you having a good time for once since the incident.


"Well I should get going, it's getting a bit late." You said, smiling at Tachihara.

"Yeah, time did pass by fast."

"Mhm, thank you again for dealing with me, it's been lonely since... Well you know." You said, frowning as you spoke.

"It's no problem at all, really. I understand how you feel, so if you need anything again I'm here for you."

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." You said as you walked to the door, smiling as you left.

You went back to your room, your social battery now filled for the day.

As you made it back you sat on the couch, checking your phone once again for any sign of Akutagawa, yet there was nothing.

"Why are you doing this." You mumbled to yourself, your eyes starting to water as you grew more upset with the way he was acting. You hoping he was just busy, and not purposely blowing you off.

Why couldn't he at least say something, anything at all. Why did he suddenly not care enough to respond to you?

What did I do, or did someone else do something? What's wrong. You thought to yourself, trying to think of different possibilities as to why.

At this point you were too drained to stay awake, you soon heading to your bed to rest.

You hoped maybe tomorrow would be the day he responded, that maybe it was again, him being busy or absent minded.

That you could fix this and everything would be okay again.

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