Chapter 11/ Betrayed by The Mafia's Dogs

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"Fine, I trust you, or whatever. Just make sure I get home tonight."

"Trusting me with your life is a mistake, runt."


You two were on the rooftop of a building, Akutagawa's words running on repeat in your head.

He was right, why did you trust him? Let alone with your life.

He was ruthless, self centered, ignorant, and mean. There was nothing you two had in common besides your job.

You two don't get along, and it was obvious you never would.

So why do I think I can put my life on the line and he'd save me?

Your gaze fell upon the man in front of you. His coat flying in the wind oh so perfectly.

You wanted to know what he was thinking about, how he was feeling, what made him tick.

Despite everything you couldn't help but find the man beautiful, the way his coat fell over his shoulders and flew in the wind.

His black hair shining so perfectly in the sun, his white tips adding that perfect contrast of color.

Even his scowl and grumpy face made everything tie together perfectly.

He was all just so perfect.

But of course, he was your enemy.

"It's time." Akutagawa told you, his voice harsh and demanding.

Before you knew it he was heading down the building, you quickly following him as to not fall behind.

He was moving quicker than usual, something obviously bothering him.

You didn't know what it could be, the man was a pit of mysteries and unpredictable emotions. It could be something as small as your dispute or something bigger like that Dazai guy.

Though you didn't have the time to think about it right now, and you obviously couldn't ask him.

You had to focus on following a plan you knew nothing about, or you'd die.

You quickly followed the man around a corner, your nose scrunching at the smell of blood and gunpowder.

Before you even had time to process the smell you quickly stepped back back at the sight of Akutagawa's ability suddenly appearing. His Roshumon rushing forward in a harsh manor.

Ahead of you was the injured body of a young girl with darker hair, now laying next to her was a freshly impaled ginger boy by Akutagawa.

The boy had been choking a blond girl with her hair up in a ponytail, one who you remembered to be Higuchi.

Why was there two injured kids on the ground? And another shaking so much it's like he's going to explode? What am I supposed to do? You frantically thought to yourself as you took in your surroundings.

"Hi... Nice to meet you, I'm Akutagawa. I'm one of the Port Mafia's dogs, so as she." The man spoke, causing you to wonder how he can be so "polite" after just impaling a kid.

Not to mention he called himself a dog for the Mafia after fighting you about him not being one. How hypocritical. You thought.

"Akutagawa! I can handle this myself-" Higuchi started to say before getting cut off. Akutagawa's hand swiftly smacking across her face, causing her to fall back at the impact.

"I believe my orders were to take the weretiger in alive! Yet here you are gunning everyone down! You useless cur." Akutagawa snarled, Higuchi's head turned in pain from the slap.

The Devil's Poison (Akutagawa X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora