Chapter 15/ Promotion

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It has been a few months since you've been released from the infirmary.

Things between you and Akutagawa have been, well odd, since you've started missions again soon after.

He's still his ordinary self, snapping at you when you mess up, ignoring you when you speak.

But now he doesn't do anything as bad as he used to before.

He's more prone to actually responding to you now, and when he yells at you for doing something wrong he gives you constructive criticism as well.

It just didn't make sense why he was being so "nice" all of a sudden.

Nice for him though was just doing the bare minimum of decency.

You were currently hanging out around the main room of the headquarters. It was a lounge area made for its members if they wanted to hang out, though barely anyone uses it since they're out on missions or somewhere cooler.

Though that's why you liked it, because it was quiet and empty. It was a good place to sit and relax on your day off.

And on top of that it comes with free snacks and coffee.

Every once in a while someone would come in to sit or just to grab some snacks. But it was nice nun the less, the quick chat with said person being refreshing sometimes.

By now you still were by no means a top rank, or do you know everyone here like Chuuya or Akutagawa do, but you have started to make a name for yourself around here so that's nice.

By name was "Runt" by Akutagawa and "The person who Akutagawa hasn't killed yet" by everyone else.

You've learned a lot about the people here. Some from gossip and others from talking to them themselves.

Like how Chuuya used to be the head of some gang "The Sheep", and how Kouyou plays as a mother figure for some little girl Kyouka.

And how Akutagawa usually leaves his partners behind, his ego and determination getting the best of him leading them to get killed because of lack of support. Hence what other people call you.

Though you've heard Akutagawa talk about that Kyouka girl before.

Mainly him ranting about how she's weak and only has one purpose in life. To kill.

You felt bad for her though, knowing exactly how she felt. So you tried your best to defend her to Akutagawa, but again that's like talking to a brick wall.


"Ahem" a voice suddenly filled the room, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You looked over, the face of Chuuya greeting you. "Oh hey Chuuya. What's up?"

"The boss wants to speak to you, idk what it's about so I'd get going." He said, walking over to grab a cup of coffee.

He was already here so why not.

As you took in his words you stood up, dusting yourself off. "Is everything okay?"

"Not sure, he just said he needed you."

And with that you nodded and gave the man your thanks, you now on your way to see what Mori wanted of you.

You eventually arrived, your nerves starting to settle in.

Was I in trouble? Or was it just a new mission? What could possibly be the reason he needed me? You thought, every possibility rushing through your mind.

"Ah Y/N you made it!" Mori said, his head turning to face you.

You let out a sigh, preparing to deal with the man and whatever he has on store for you. "Greetings sir."

"You're probably anxious to know why you're here, so I'll just cut to the chase." He said, a sigh escaping his lips as he took a drink from his glass, the substance clearly being wine.

"You've been making yourself useful around here. I appreciate the dedication." He started out, his head resting in the palm of his hand as he spoke. "So I want you to have a promotion."

Your eyes widened at the man's words. You were trying to process what he was saying, most of this mafia stuff and rankings still confusing you.

What will he promote me to? Will I be on my own? I don't think I'm ready for that. Is it just a pay raise? Please tell me it's just a pay raise" You thought, panic filling your mind the more you thought.

"Don't you worry your little head, you'll still be working under Akutagawa as you're still not yet prepared to run on your own. Though if you keep up the hard work I can see you being an executive one day." He said, a smile that gave you shivers forming on his face.

You nodded in response flattered by his words. You never thought about ever being such a high rank. You honestly just settling with the idea of being on a newbie rank the entire time.

But now that the possibility has been brought up, it didn't seem all that bad to you once you got the hang of everything.

"Thank you sir, I'll keep that in consideration." You stated, giving a slight bow to be polite.

"Alright then! You can go now, expect to be assigned to more jobs from here on out." He said, motioning for you to leave.

You gave him your thanks before leaving, a sigh escaping your lips.

"Thank God it wasn't anything bad." You mumbled to yourself as you made your way back to your room. The need to relax for the rest of the night growing stronger.

Well at least you tried to rest.

You were about to lay down after making yourself a bowl of soup, your mind focused on watching the new episode of your favorites show.

"If you don't shut your mouth I'm going to cut it out of you!" You heard Akutagawa's voice shout, causing you to flinch.

"Don't tell me what to do you hound!! It's not my fault it's so obvious!" Chuuya's voice came soon after Akutagawa's.

You didn't understand what was going on or why those two were fighting all of a sudden, but you knew better than to try and find out.

Though to your luck, you only heard the arguing grow closer Akutagawa's retort back filling your ears, a knock soon coming from your door.

"Oh great." You mumbled to yourself, you hesitantly moving to get to the door.

As you opened it you were met by the face of Akutagawa. His face was hard from the quick dispute with Chuuya as they passed by one another. Though something was still off about him.

Something different.

"Oh uh, hey. What's up?" You said, nervousness obvious on your face.

"We need to talk."

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