Chapter 27/ Don't Lie To Me

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You three had made it to the backyard, ahead of you being a ton of well trimmed bushes and flowers.

Though ahead of you made your nerves race. A huge complicated looking maze was ahead.

Because what outdoor treasure hunt wouldn't have one.

"There's no fucking way!" Chuuya shouted, annoyance at the man's complicated structure causing his fists to clench.

"Damnit will you stop yelling? This is already stressful enough as it is!" Akutagawa snapped, causing the orange haired boy to whip is head around.

"Well maybe if you'd start helping we could have been further by now!" Chuuya snapped back.

"If you haven't noticed I've been carrying drugged Y/N around this entire time! Not to mention I actually tried looking for a key, unlike you who just kept uselessly pulling on the damn door!"

"Damnit I was-"

"Boys, boys! Y'all are fighting about wasting time which is ONLY wasting time! So let's just get going." You said, a cough escaping you lips.

As if the sound of your cough was like a whip to the hand, the two boys instantly got a move on. Chuuya now starting to head towards the maze while Akutagawa held you tighter, helping you stay stable as you two followed behind the ginger.

"How are you feeling now?" Akutagawa said, anxiousness lacing his voice.

"I'm fine, just- tired that is." You said, trying to give the man the most reassuring look possible.

You were already starting to feel the effects of the drugs, your heart racing like you were in a race, yet your body felt like it was shutting down.

You were still capable of doing things though, so you intended to help as much as possible.

Knowing damn well the two boys would struggle without you.

Akutagawa though didn't look reassured, his face shifting into one of concern before looking away, staying silent.

You felt horrible, guilt causing you to shut down quicker then the drugs could make you.

Though like Akutagawa said earlier, it wasn't your fault, and you were going to live to make that man pay.

"What is this!?" You heard chuuya say, the man picking up a piece of paper from a stand outside the entrance of the maze.

"Follow the Red, Yellow, Green, Blue sequence by going from left eye to left hand then left foot, then from right eye to right hand then right foot." Chuuya read soon after, his face twisting into confusion before growling, gripping the paper tightly in frustration. "What the fuck is this supposed to mean?!"

Akutagawa walked over, making sure you were close in case you needed to lean on him.

He read over the note, his face confused as well. "This isn't fair! How are we supposed to solve this in time!"

You felt your gut twinge, fear of failure filling your mind.

Come on, just think. You thought to yourself, your mind racing with one thousand different thoughts, causing you to grow dizzy and strained.

Akutagawa took notice and grabbed onto you, his grip on your arm tighter then usual. "Damnit Y/N, just sit." He said, leading you over to a conveniently placed bench.

As if the man knew you'd need it in your state.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy." You mumbled out, your voice sounding tired and strained.

"Y/n, you have drugs in your system, I watched it happen, it's useless lying to me." He said, regret being all you can hear in his voice.

You knew he felt guilty, like he wished it was him instead of you. That he'd rather die a thousand times then let you suffer for even a minute.

Especially after you risked your life so many times for him in the past.

"I'm... Sorry.... I just don't want you to worry, you know so you can focus on solving this."

"I know, I know." Akutagawa said, his eyes closing as he kissed your forehead, it being the only thing he could think of to sooth not only you, but himself.

You looked at the man, your eyes showing what little love it can between the harsh exhaustion taking over your eyes, them being half open and glossy from the weight of the drugs already kicking in.

"Come on, let's go." He said, lifting you up slightly from the bench. You continued to stand on your own, though you kept an arm around the man for extra support.

"Red, green, blue... There's none of that here the fuck!?" Chuuya shouted, the man still trying to figure out the riddle.

"I... Let's try finding something in the maze, like a path maybe..." You said, looking at the short tempered man.

Chuuya just nodded, putting his hands in his pockets before entering the maze.

You two walked around for hours, the maze being way bigger then any of you two could image.

Though to your luck there were a few symbols to help guide you along.

You were growing more and more weak, your vision becoming a bit blurred and your legs shaking as they struggled to hold you up.

Your coughing has even become more rasp and frequent then Akutagawa's.

Akutagawa was trying his best to stay composed, though his heart was racing, his mind only able to think of every negative possibility on how this will end.

Chuuya on the other hand was only growing more pissed by the second.

This whole scheme of putting his friend in danger just for fun, caused chuuya to want to break each and every one of his bones.

"Oh great! Another damn contraption!" Chuuya said, ahead of you two being a wall with a picture of some animals on it.

You tried your best to analyze the piece, though it's already been 4 hours since you were injected, so your body wasn't doing too well.

Leaving only an hour left before the times up.

You hadn't done much for the past half an hour, just sorta stumbled along with Akutagawa's help while trying to stay awake.

Though you were close to the end, you could feel it. So you were determined to push through this last puzzle to stop this whole mess.

You pushed off Akutagawa, trying your best to walk towards the wall, your eyes straining to examine the extravagant price of the wall.

Though before you knew it your body went numb, hot flashes rushing through your body before you had time to register anything.

You felt sick as your eyes closed, exhaustion hit you harder then it ever has before.

"Y/N!" You heard the two man shout, it being the last thing you heard before you hit the ground, your mind going unconscious and the world growing dark.


So not only have I finished reading "Empire of Dirt" by "Arkastadt" on AO3, but I've SOBBED for hours over it. 😀

But I definitely recommend if you haven't read it yet that you should check it out!

Anyway, not only has it made me sob but it inspired me for not only this story, but also for a new story. So if you're interested then be on the lookout for another book in the works!

It will be a Soukoku one for those who enjoy that ship :)

(And don't worry this one will still continue regularly 🤭)

Anyway hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter even if it was a bit rushed because I've been sick! :)

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