Chapter 25/ The Game Begins

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His lips were pressed against yours, your eyes widening in shock.

"I don't know what it is about you, but I like you okay, so don't fucking get yourself killed."


Your eyes widened in shock, your mind and heart racing.

Did he really just- You thought. Trying to process what just happened.

"I- Akutagawa you-" you said, fighting to string together words to express what you were thinking.

You could tell Akutagawa was in shock as well, like he didn't plan on doing that himself.

His feelings just became too much and he acted on a whim, all this being new to him.

"I- don't say a word." He said, embarrassment and shock all over his face.

He hoped no one saw that, knowing damn well he'd never hear the end of it.

Though out of everything he was the most nervous about what you thought. Fear of rejection causing him to panic.

Though to his surprise your hand came up to cup his cheek, placing a quick peck on his lips before looking him in the eyes.

"I promise I'll be safe, okay? But I need you to promise me the same." You said, your eyes gleaming with love and care for the man in front of you.

"I said I don't make promises." He said, his expression showing an unrecognizable emotion. His eyes slightly wider.

You chuckled a little at his words, shaking your head at the mans stubborn personality. "Please, just this once."

Akutagawa stayed silent for a minute, his eyes staying glued onto you as he thought.

"Fine, I promise."


"Ladies and gentlemen!" A voice suddenly rang out, causing everyone's attention to move to the source, it coming up from a second floor balcony to the main hall.

"As you guys know you've been invited to my lovely home in regards to a quest at hand." The older gentleman spoke, his voice sending shivers down your spine.

The man was a taller, older gentleman. His hair grey with a matching mustache trimmed perfectly on his face.

To no surprise he was dressed quite nice, his outfit definitely showing his money. If one couldn't tell by his home already.

As you and Akutagawa stood and listened to the man you realized the bystanders were completely frozen, like they weren't human at all.

In fact they weren't. They were like little puppets in some twisted fucked up show.

Like they had been controlled this entire time.

You noticed Akutagawa was tense, his grip now having a tighter hold on you.

You couldn't tell where the others were, there being too many "people" to see beyond the closed space they put you in.

"You may be wondering what this, game, is. So I'll just cut to the chase." The man spoke, his hand coming up to cover his chest.

"My name is Kit Williams, a man who has a joy for treasure hunts with a twist." He said, his voice sounding cheerful and excited.

"This guy sounds like bad news." You mumbled to Akutagawa as you instinctively scooted closer to him.

He let out a small little noise, one full of worry and confusion.

"That's why I invited you all here today! I have a challenge for you Port Mafia members, one with stakes higher then ever before!" He shouted, joy lacing his voice. "One that involves a volunteer first.~"

Before you knew it the unmoving people suddenly started pushing you and Akutagawa towards the center, the others soon being pushed in as well.

"What's going on?!" Tachihara shouted, anger and anxiety obvious in his voice.

"Oh now now relax, it's all just fun and games!" He said, chuckling at his words. "Now would anyone like to volunteer?" He continued, his head tilting to the side.

Everyone stayed silent, anger and fear laced on everyone's face. We all knew this was a trap, that whether we came or stayed he'd have us in a corner. So we just stood there and waited to the next move, our plan being to just go along with everything until we can stop him.

"Oh come on someone, anyone!" He shouted, annoyance now lacing his voice. Though when no one said anything he smiled, clasping his hands together in delight.

"You're smarter than I thought! So hopefully this will be a breeze for you.~ Though I still need a volunteer so I guess I'll have to choose at random."

You tensed at his words, your gut feeling was going off so much you almost collapsed.

There was a snap from the man's fingers, like he was summoning a command.

Everyone instantly prepared for what was to come, unease filling everyone's body.

How did we get into this mess, why can't people just leave us alone. You thought, anger at the stalemate that left us completely helpless filling your body.

Though that didn't last long until fear filled your body instead, your adrenaline spiking.

You were suddenly grabbed and pulled forward, now in front of everyone's gaze. You watched as Akutagawa lunged forward, quickly being stopped by a warning gun shot.

"Damnit! Let go of them!" He shouted, anger lacing his voice.

"Now now! Like I said it's just a game, nothing to get so worked up about." He said, giving another snap before the shell of a human holding you still moved, a slight pinch shooting through your neck.

You didn't understand what happened, shock being the only thing you could comprehend at the moment.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" Akutagawa shouted, lunging forward again to get to you, not caring about the warning shot from before. He tried using his ability to fend off the people lunging for him, though he couldn't use it, resulting in him getting apprehended.

You were on the ground, your legs feeling weak and numb. The others were frozen still, guilt and fear plastered on their faces, realizing they were completely powerless to do anything.

"My ability is the ability to create whatever reality I want, as long as some puzzle is involved, so in order to get out of here, you'll have to solve the elaborate one I've come up with for you today." The man spoke again, a sinister smile on his face.

"And like I said before, there will be steaks at risk higher than ever before! So without the use of your abilities you'll have five hours to find my golden hare and find the antidote inside it, or your friend here will practically waste away.~" he spoke, his creepy smile still plastered on his face.

"If you don't find it in time, well, I'll have the ability user activate the poison so it will become irreversible, and your friend will die."

"Damnit what's the point in this!" Chuuya shouted, anger clearly lacing his voice.

"Because why not!" He replied, a laugh arupting from him before he continued. "There's only so much you can do with an ability like this, so eventually you have to start pushing the limits to make use of it.~"

"This isn't fair! Just leave us alone and pick on someone else!" Tachihara protested.

"Nothing in life is fair, so you better hurry along now, or else you'll run out of time.~"

And like that the man was gone, the people in the room becoming like statues once again.

The time on the clock started, the sound of it ticking filling the room, signaling the challenge had begun.

I am so proud of myself for coming up with a side character based on an actual author like all the other characters.

But anyway thank you all so much for all the support it means so so much to me! :)

The Devil's Poison (Akutagawa X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang