Chapter 8/ "You're right"

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The sound of your alarm filled the room, waking you up from your slumber. It was currently 3:30am, an unnecessary time to be awake.

But Akutagawa wanted you ready by 4 so you just gotta deal with it.

You grumbled as you moved to stand from your bed, your hands coming up to rub your eyes as you yawned. "Alright, let's do this."

You headed into your kitchen, searching the fridge and cabinets for anything you may need. All you could find was a bunch of canned foods and water bottles.

Probably so they have stuff for new arrivals without worrying about it going bad for awhile. You thought to yourself.

The only option you really had that was close to breakfast was a package of Ramen. So that's what you had.

You cooked up the ramen as you listened in on your TV.

The only entertainment you have at the moment.

When you finished with your breakfast you headed to the bathroom to shower and brush your teeth. When you were done you had 2 minutes left to spare.

That was close. You thought to yourself as you sat on your new couch to wait.

Before you knew it the door swung up, on the other side appeared a intense looking Akutagawa.

"Let's go."

You quickly stood to your feet at the man's words and walked over to the man, a sigh escaping your lips. "okay okay, I'm coming."

You followed the man out from the room down the hallway, trying your best to control your nerves.

You expected Akutagawa to not hold back against you. That you'd spend your day fighting for your life.

"What's your skill level." Akutagawa suddenly said while you two walked.

"Huh? Like how well I can use my ability?" You said back.

"Duh." Is all you got back.

"Oh uh, well I can use it well, but I've never really been in combat before so I don't know." You said.

Akutagawa didn't even make a sound back, his gaze staying ahead of him as he walked, his hands resting in his pockets.

You just proceeded to follow him, your mouth staying shut so you didn't risk triggering the man.

After awhile of walking you eventually made it to some strange building. You were about to ask where you guys were when Akutagawa spoke first.

"This is your first mission, but don't worry the boss gave you something simple... against my better judgement."

Better judgement my ass. You thought to yourself as the man spoke.

"We'll be steaking out the place, listening in on some important info. Just stay quiet and don't get in my way and you'll live."

"If it's my mission why does it seem like I'm not even supposed to be here?" You said back sarcastically, your eyes rolling at the man.

"Because you're not! You're supposed to be dead or far, far away from me! Now either get yourself killed or just stay out of my damn way so I can get this over with!" Akutagawa snapped, his gaze hardening.

You flinched for a second, a sigh escaping your lips as you nodded, your arms crossing. "It's not like I wanted to be here anyway, It's YOUR fault I'm here to begin with! If you would have given my damn bag back instead of trying to be some high goodie too-shoes we wouldn't be in this mess!!" You snapped back, tired of Akutagawa's shit.

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