Chapter 10/ "I trust you"

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It has been a month since you've joined the Port Mafia.

Your new life here has been a huge change from how you used to live.


You have had many ups and downs as well, including making some new friends, and getting shot at every other day.

You know, normal things.

As for you and Akutagawa though you still don't know where you two stood.

He would either be somewhat nice some days then extremely harsh the next.

Though you oddly couldn't get over it. You either wanted him to be at least decent to you or hate you.

You were tired of having hope he was warming up to you just to be snapped at another second for "messing up".

It was hard for you and discouraged you multiple times. Though trying to say anything to the man would be pointless and probably only earn more harsh words thrown at you.

It was draining and made you question your gut feeling about agreeing to be here to begin with.

Though despite all that you quickly became a valuable member to the mafia.

Akutagawa's training having helped you a lot, even though you hate to admit it.

Though on the other side of things it didn't. The constant being snapped at and having his ability used on you only discouraged you.

If you did good, you lived another day. No praise whatsoever. Just a "now leave" and Akutagawa simply ignoring you the rest of the day.

If you messed up he'd lose his control and threaten you, sometimes even using forceful actions to get you back in line.

He kept saying how that's how he learned, that he wouldn't be where he is now if that Dazai guy didn't treat him the way he did.

You sorta felt bad though, ya Akutagawa's actions weren't right, but does he know that? Or is it just because that teaching method is all he knows?

But you'd be caught dead, more like killed if you asked him.

Another thing that bothered you is why he treated you less harsh than some of the other people? Ya sometimes you'd be thrown to the ground or smacked for a mistake, but to some of the other people they have endured a lot more.

How did that Dazai guy hurt this man so much? From what you remember he was childish and lazy, not some harsh mentor figure that could alter a man's way of thinking so drastically.

Again obviously you couldn't ask though, the simple mention of Dazai's name to anyone here seems to make everyone tense.

So you'd just have to figure out on your own.


"Y/N, come on let's go!" Akutagawa's voice rang from outside of your room.

You were scheduled for another mission with him. Your target being blowing up another police station.

As you were told, because once already wasn't enough apparently.

You didn't understand why, or what would possibly come of it, but you were ordered to tag along so that's what you had to do.

"Okay okay! I'm comming." You shouted back, quickly finishing up with gathering your things before rushing out the door.

Akutagawa sighed, rolling his eyes in annoyance as he started walking down the hall.

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