Chapter 26/ Splitting up

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Akutagawa rushed towards you, worry and concern plastered on his face.

You were laying there, your mind in a daze from the foreign substance and adrenaline now in your system.

"Y/n? Y/n are you okay?!" The man said as he slowly lifted you up. The feeling of his shaking body caused you to feel horrible.

You had promised to not let anything happen, that you'd stay safe. Yet just like that you were now in critical condition.

"I... For now." You mumbled looking at the man, your eyes tearing up as you continued to speak. "I'm sorry, I promised and-"

"No, it's not your fault. I'm going to kill that bastard if it's the last thing I do!" Akutagawa said, cutting you off before you could speak ill about yourself over something you couldn't help.

"Now now, don't get worked up Akutagawa. It won't help our situation if you start going crazy." Mori sudden said, walking over to us.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you Mori!" Akutagawa shouted, his gaze hardening on the tall black haired man in front of him.

"Yeah we should have just cut our losses and just deal with them if they attacked!" Tachihara snapped, anger filling his body as well.

Chuuya was for once silent, his conflicted emotions causing him to freeze.

He would never defy the boss, he's done too much for him to repay him with such language. Though the others were right, and he knew Mori knew that.

"Calm down, would you rather us be here together, or him take us out one by one while we're alone?" Mori said, his tone calm and emotionless.

"I'd rather Y/N not have some fucking poison in their damn system!" Akutagawa shouted, his voice seeming to be laced with venom.

You felt horrible for the man, you knowing exactly how he felt.

He had just opened up to you, giving you what little trust he had and trusted you not to break it.

He wanted to have you in his life, despite his instincts screaming at him to push you away.

And yet here you were, at risk of death only moments after he finally allowed himself to overcome a hard part of his past. Only moments after he allowed himself to be vulnerable.

"I know, but as long as we do as he says, we can save Y/N and then get out of here. Then we can start plotting a retaliation." Mori said, giving Akutagawa a cold gaze.

"Then let's get going and stop wasting time!" Chuuya said, the worry in his voice being the most prominent.

There was an agreement from the group, people already starting to head off as Akutagawa helped keep you supported on your feet.

"Can you walk?" Akutagawa said, his grip on you firm.

"I think, I'm okay for right now."

He nodded in response, letting go of you a bit as he started to walk with you to the others.

"Based off what he said, this entire building should be some twisted reality at his expense. So if we left through the front door we'd still be in his made up world, until he stopped his ability that is." You mumbled out to the group, everyone nodding in response to your words.

"Then we should split up. Who knows how big this place could be." Chuuya said, looking at Mori to wait for his opinion.

"Alright, Chuuya you go with Akutagawa and Y/N. I'll be with the rest of you.

Chuuya nodded in response, heading over to you two as the others went with Mori.

"Come on, let's stop wasting anymore time." Chuuya said, already heading off as you and Akutagawa followed.

You started to feel a bit dizzy, leading you to lean against Akutagawa as you walked.

"So, what's got your heart in a bunch Akutagawa? I thought you didn't care about Y/N?" Chuuya said from ahead of you two, his hand coming up with a slight wave as he spoke.

"Now is not the time!" Akutagawa snapped, his body tensing.

"I was only asking, though it is obvious. I mean what's going on between you two." Chuuya said, looking around some statue for any possible clues.

You chuckled a little at the conversation, finding humor in about anything to help keep up your spirits.

"Tch, so what! It's none of your business!" Akutagawa said, trying his best to look around as well while keeping you supported.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry I'll keep quiet." Chuuya said, sighing out at the lack of clues by the statue. Anger filled him once more, causing him to kick the statue before walking away.

"Maybe we could try outside? Like the back yard?" You said, pointing towards a back door. "Mori and the others headed down one of those longer halls. They'll be searching in here for awhile, so it would cover more ground to search outside."

"Alright, let's go." Chuuya said, heading towards the door. You and Akutagawa following suit.

You watched as Chuuya went to open the door, anger quickly forming on his face once again.

"Damnit open the fuck up!" He shouted, tugging on the door harder.

The door was locked, a key obviously being needed. Though Chuuya was too consumed with the door not opening to think of that.

Hopefully this means we are on the right track. You thought to yourself as the man continued to uselessly tug on the door.

Akutagawa tried to look around, anger plastered all over his face as well.

"Normally the key is somewhere obvious." You said, looking around at all the possibilities.

You soon walked over to chuuya, pushing him aside as he continued to tug on the door helplessly.

"Hey! What are you-" He said, instantly stopping as you picked up the mat by the door. Underneath it being a key.

"He may be creative about this who scheme, but creativity seems to only go so far with him." You said before calling Akutagawa back over.

When Akutagawa finally made his way back to you two you opened the door, the large scenery of garden ahead of you two.

"We only have twelve hours to search all this?!" Chuuya yelled, stress lacing his voice.

Akutagawa pulled you closer, his body shaking more then before, causing you to feel horrible.

You looked up at him, your eyes softening as you spoke. "It's going to be okay Akutagawa, trust me. We'll get out of this I promise."

You could tell Akutagawa wanted to be reassured, but he couldn't bring himself to.

Fear of losing the one person, besides his sister, he has ever been able to truly care about being all he could think about.

"Okay, let's just go." He said, walking into the new section meeting up with Chuuya who had already started to continue on.

Please let my words be true. You thought, not wanting to break your promise, again, to the man who's put everything he has into trusting you.

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