Chapter 9/ "You actually did it."

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You followed the man into the building, your eyes staying glued to the back of his body. You didn't want to risk him pulling anything on you while in such a vulnerable position.

It was still odd to you that he just, agreed, to your words about him being at fault.

But a part of you was worried about this, was he holding in his temper to lash out on you later? Or did he plan on sabotaging the mission so he had a reason for your disappearance?

You two snuck around the building, following Akutagawa's hand gestures and movements to insure you don't get you both caught or make a wrong move.

After a minute you two were in some room hiding behind a closet door. The room on the other side of the door was a long meeting hall-like room with a long table and multiple chairs in the center.

You're nerves started to rise, what if something bad happened? What if they already knew you two were there and it was all a set up?

You weren't ready for this stuff let alone trained for it, so what was the mafia thinking sending you here?

Akutagawa seemed to take notice of your demeanor and let out a sigh. "Just stay quiet, and listen in... If something goes wrong kill them all."

Your face turned pale at his words.

Kill people?! On my first mission?! You thought to yourself. Your heart is now racing.

All you could do was nod in response and pray that wasn't the route this mission took.

As you two continued to stay put, the room started to fill with the enemy members.

As more and more people took their place in the room your heart beat even faster.

You didn't want to be here, or to deal with this stuff, the pressure building up almost making you crack. Though you put yourself in this situation so now you gotta fight your way out.

You tried your best to stay calm and to relax your breathing, using Akutagawa's presence to calm your nerves.

He was the Mafia's hound, a myth upon the public. You had no doubt he'd be able to wipe all these men out if necessary, but would he make sure you came out with him? Or would he let you fall with them and make his escape?

On the other side of the closet door you could hear the distinct mumble of men talking.

They where talking about some stuff you didn't understand, causing you to curse yourself out of fear of letting the Port Mafia down.

You heard them organizing an attack of some sort, the Port Mafia's name escaping through the head guys mouth.

Akutagawa's posture shifted, his gaze hardening as he carefully pressed against the door to hear better.

He was pissed that he was stuck on this mission with you, he wanted something more high and exciting, something he can get his hands dirty with.

But instead he got stuck on some spy mission with you. More then that he didn't understand how Mori expected him to listen in on an enemy team planning to ambush them, and just, sit around.

If he just killed them now then there would be no plan and chance they could attack, giving the Port Mafia the chance to get them first.


After what felt like forever the lead man spoke.

"Is all in favor?" The head man said, pausing to give everyone a chance to ponder and answer.

There was a cheer of agreement through the room before the head guy coughed to regain everyone's attention.

"And how about our guests in the back?~" the man suddenly said, causing both you and Akutagawa to tense.

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