Chapter 2/ Odd Encounter

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You were flying backwards. All you felt was the wind flying past you as you tried to register what was happening.

Before you knew it you were thrown into the ground, your mouth still covered by the weird special ability.

"Akutagawa... A hostage really? That's not like you!" A voice came from the other end of the alleyway.

Your eyes slowly opened, scared to see what was going on. In front of you were two men. The one closest to you was no other than the demon-hound. Your eyes widening in shock. I mean, he just blew up a police station for who knows what reason, and he is known for committing so many bad things he's become a myth, all because people don't want to believe someone has the ability to be so cruel.

The other man who was furthest away was someone strange. He had a medium length brown haircut. A long light brown trench coat falling from his body, but the oddest thing was he was wrapped in bandages all along his arms and even his neck.

But why? Was it his ability? Or an injury?

"Oh shut it Dazai!" The myth of a man spoke. His eyes glaring daggers into the so-called Dazai.

You sat in silence not quite sure what to do. Was this Dazai guy on your side? Or was he just a feuding member of this Akutagawa guy?

"Hey kid!" Dazai spoke to you, his tone seemed normal. Like there wasn't a current hostage situation going on.

What is wrong with these people? You thought.

You looked up at him despite your thoughts. Your eyes looking desperately at him, trying to speak despite your covered mouth, only a mumble escaping out of your lips.

"I can't hear youuu. You'll have to speak up!" The Dazai character responded. Taking a step forward, his hand coming up to cup his ears to hear better.

My mouth is literally covered you dumbass! You thought again, a sigh escaping your lips.

You could hear akutagawa sigh, seemingly annoyed at the current events.

"Akutagawa be a dear and let the poor hostage go, it must be soooo boring being stuck here with us." Dazai spoke again, his gaze moving from you to him.

Akutagawa just let out another sigh, releasing you of his ability.

What? That easy? From a man like him? You thought as you quickly stood up from your place on the ground.

You quickly stepped back a bit, your gaze flicking between the two men. You watched Dazai walk past you so he was in between you and the other man.

"Look, since you were so nice today I'll let you go, but from now on... No more hostages, it's too stressful for dear old me to deal with." Dazai said like a child, cupping his cheeks as he swayed, being overdramatic on purpose.

Akutagawa's mouth opened, about to say something before he grumbled and shut his mouth again.

You could tell there was something between the two. Some distaste yet odd endearment. It was weird but you knew it was too complicated to even bother with.

"Fine, but I'll prove to you one day Dazai!" Akutagawa said, turning around and walking off. Leaving you and Dazai behind.

You didn't know what to say or how to feel. One minute you were heading to the bank, the next you were held hostage by one of the most fierce men out there, but then just like that he just... Let you go? All because his opponent told him to?

"Hey, you alright?" Dazai said, turning to face you. His hands back on his pockets.

"Oh uh... Ya t-thank you." You replied, a sigh escaping your lips. All you wanted to do now was go home.

"Eh it was nothing." Dazai responded, starting to walk away. "You be careful now! I'm too exhausted to save you again. And if you ever meet him again, run."

You looked at him, your face scrunching.

Wow thanks. You thought.

You just nodded in response, heading back to the sidewalk to get out of that alley.

You quickly went into the bank to poo at your bills and headed home.

Completely exhausted and ready for a nap.

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