Chapter 22/ Moments Before Disaster

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"Come on, I don't have all day." Akutagawa spoke, an annoyed huff coming from his mouth.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" You said back, a slight chuckle escaping your lips as you hurried up to catch up with the taller man.

You two were heading out the door, the goal of finding attire for tonight filling your minds.

"We should get food first, I'm starvingggg." You groaned, holding your gut as you spoke.

Akutagawa turned his head back to face you, annoyance plastered on his face. "We need to focus on the task at hand, we can't waste time on pointless things."

"Food is not pointless you idiot!" You protested back.

Akutagawa wasn't amused, his only goal today was to get what was needed and head back. Anything else wasn't an option for him. "I agreed to shop for the purpose of a mission, not some hang out girls day."

You sighed at his words, your eyes rolling as you chuckled. "Come on, it will be fast... If we're going to get ambushed anyway we might as well have a little fun beforehand."

There was a sigh of defeat from the man, his shoulders slumping as he spoke. "Okay, but only if you're quick, runt."

"Alright alright, there's a nice place up ahead, the people there normally go pretty quick." You said, smiling extra wide at the mention of your "nickname" again.

Ya, Akutagawa made it up as a derogatory name for you, but recently it's turned into a sentimental nickname. One he now calls you to be, oddly, affectionate towards you.

There was nothing from the man ahead of you, him eventually slowing down so you could lead the way.

He always liked to be ahead when you two walked, so it was a big shock to you that he suddenly allowed you to take the lead.

Ever since that day you saved him he's been subtly doing more and more things he never would before. The new small gestures and mannerisms while around you adding up into a completely different man.

That "new man" only appearing for you.

As you lead the way into the small cafe ahead you noticed Akutagawa grow closer to you, like a child to it's mom in a crowded room.

You sensed he was nervous about the new place, unsure of what to do.

He's never been to a cafe before, he normally just had whatever the PM lounge had. All this cafe stuff is too complicated and a huge hassle to deal with for him.

Along with talking to people he isn't about to kill in the mix of a battle was a struggle for him. Something that oddly shocked you about the man.

The act of even having to ask someone for something, instead of doing it himself made him antsy as well. He just wanted to do everything himself, to insure it was done correctly and that he wasn't seen as weak by not getting what he wanted himself.

"Why can't I just get it myself, why do I have ask someone to do it for me?" Akutagawa mumbled to you, his voice hard and confused.

"Because people need money, so why not profit off those who don't want to do it themselves?" You replied, shifting your weight as you stood in line.

"But I don't mind doing it myself, if I knew we'd be here I would have just made some before we left." Akutagawa said, huffing in annoyance.

"Ya but it's better here, and there's more flavors to choose from.~"

"I don't care about flavors runt."

"Well I do, so deal with it." You said, a chuckle escaping your lips.

It was eventually your turn in line.

The ordering process was, well something.

"Akutagawa you can't just threaten to kill someone because they were out of what you wanted." You said, heading out of the store with the man. Your walking pace faster then usual as you were anxious to get out of there after the man's actions.

"Why not? It's their fault for not restalking. They're just lazy and a waste of time." He said, his face showing no remorse whatsoever.

"Oh my god you're going to drive me crazy." You joked, taking a sip of your drink. "Thanks to you I spent more on a cookie just to appease you... Not to mention the extra tip I had to give to make up for your temper.

"It's your fault for demanding we went there." He said, making a good point that drove you mad.

Duh Y/N. You should have thought about what he would do in a setting like that. You thought, fear of what he'd do at the boutique sending chills down your spine.

"Just promise you'll be more behaved at the boutique, okay?"

"I don't make promises." He replied, his gaze falling over his cookie from the cafe before taking a bite of it.

"Whatever, is the cookie good at least?" You said, watching the man eat quicker then you ever had before.

"No." He said, not wanting to admit that something he "begged" for instead of making himself was good.

"Oh really? You ate the whole thing already?!" You joked, laughing at the situation.

"I did not!" He said back, his arms crossing in embarrassment.

"Ya ya, whatever you say." You said back, taking another sip of your drink. "We are almost there alright, so start being good."

"I'm not a dog you know, you don't have to order me around."

"Okay okay, Mr Mafia's hound~" you teased, making your way into the boutique.

Akutagawa was about to say something, his face scrunching before you made it into the store, is demeanor instantly changing the second he stepped foot inside.

You two looked around the store, taking in all there was to see before Akutagawa suddenly spoke.

"I'm out." Akutagawa said, turning on his heels to leave.

You quickly turned to grab him, stopping him from leaving the shop. "Oh no you don't! It's either this or whatever Mori has laying around for those who don't find anything on time, so this way you'll at least get a say in what you wear."

There was a reluctant huff from the man, his eyes rolling as he stood beside you again, not speaking a word.

Great, this is going to be a longgg day. You thought.

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