Chapter 17/ Runt

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It has been a few weeks since Mori promoted you.

Like he said, you definitely were going on way more missions then you used to.

It was honestly so exhausting.

Especially dealing with Akutagawa.

Though he was still acting strange. Like sheepish and "nice" strange.

It was like he was a different person, yet still the same.

If that was even possible.

He still acts his usual self, mean and short tempered. Though on the other hand he gives you advice when you make a mistake, or even when he's training you. Along with him even slowing down to make sure you don't fall too behind on missions.

This though obviously caused a lot of rumors to start around the Port Mafia and its members.

Akutagawa is well known for being the selfish loner type. The one who has one goal in mind, and anything that's not that is useless to him.

So when everyone starts seeing him suddenly act anyway other than that, words are sure going to start getting thrown around.

You could tell it was causing distress with Akutagawa though. You quickly noticing he would snap at anyone who looked at him funny to "shut it" or tell them "it's none of their business".

From what you've heard was everyone thinks somehow you managed to befriend him.

Or a way different relationship.

Because why else would he suddenly be less of a prick to only you?

Though people thinking you had a thing for Akutagawa made you question what that would be like. If he'd be a completely different person, or if he'd stay his toxic selfish self.

Though you have reassured everyone who's asked that's not the case, and that it's confusing you just as much as it is them.

Since telling people that a lot of talk about it started to die down. That or everyone just stopped talking about it around you two.

It honestly didn't bother you though. The only thing that did was the situation at hand.

You tried talking to Akutagawa about it but he only shut you down, saying to shut it and not bring it up again.

So you'd try talking to coworkers about it. Asking why it was such a big deal, or why he would suddenly change for just you.

Though to your luck, and to no surprise, you got nothing.

All you heard was barely anyone liked him because he liked none of them. That he was closed off and harsh, and just overall not fun to hang around.

Which honestly made you feel bad for the man.

Ya everyone had valid points for hating him, but maybe he was just scared of rejection, or there was something that happened that made him push everyone away.

It left you wondering more and more about the man, the dying need to figure him out filling your mind.


"Y/N!" Akutagawa who was only a few feet ahead of you shouted, not caring about using his inside voice.

"What do you want now?" You said, a sigh escaping your lips.

"We are going on another mission, now let's go!"

You looked at him, confusion lacing your voice. "But it's our day off? What could be so important?"

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