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40th chapter! Hell yeah! Thanks for the nice comments and the support! It's really motivating to me!


Ejiro's eyes widened a bit. "Hey...it's okay...Everyone has reasons to cry. It's what makes us human." He extended his hand. "I'm Ejiro. What's your name?"

The boy seemed hesitant to answer, almost like he was in a state of shock.

"Izuku...My name is Izuku..."

Chapter 40: Frail and Weak

‼️ This Chapter Contains Mentions of Suicide and Lazy Writing

Kirishima Ejiro hated his quirk. Ever since it formed, and he hurt his eye, he despised every part of his power.

Compared to all of his classmates, his ability was weak and useless. It could barely protect him from harm.

He dealt with lots of self hatred throughout grade school. Somehow despite his insecurities, he managed to stay kind. He had a love for helping others.

He tried to act tough, but he wasn't tough at all. Despite having a quirk that hardens his skin, he never was able to stand up for himself. That's how he developed a bullying problem.

He had already transferred to new schools twice in the sum of one year. Aldera Junior High was his current school.

All his quirk was good for was minimizing the pain he felt when getting beat up. But his quirk allowed bullies to be even more rough with him. He's had people throw rocks at him from the roof, just to "test the limits" of his quirk.

His mom was always busy as a gym teacher at a private high school. His father was an accountant, which made him busy as well. He was always buried in work. They were likely stressed enough already. He didn't want them to have to keep worrying about him.

The boy from the bathroom, Izuku, had been in the same spot the next day.

"Hey, Izuku!"

"Oh! It's you, from yesterday! Your wounds look healed, that's good!"

Ejiro scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, they were only scrapes. It's not that big of a deal." He examined Izuku's shoulder. "Speaking of healing injuries, are you okay?"

"Yeah. The school nurse helped."

"That's good! I hate to think how much pain you must have been in."

"I'm fine. It's nothing really! Thanks for being so kind! I'm not used to this much kindness! People call me useless all the time."

"I get bullied too. I'm thinking of transferring again."


"Yeah, this is my third middle school."


"Well anyways, I have to get back to class. It was nice talking to you, Izuku!"

Izuku smiled. "Bye."

Ejiro didn't speak to Izuku often. He only saw him briefly one or two times.

Two weeks later....

"Hey, you're here again.."

Izuku turned his head.

"I wanted to find you so that I could ask you something."

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