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Chapter 18: Hero Work Studies

Izuku sat on the edge of a bed. He was exhausted mentally and physically. 

What had previously happened...

"You're early. I wasn't sure if you got my text that we would be training out here." 

Kioku observed the landscape of Ground Delta. It was similar to Ground Beta and Gamma, in that there was some industrial notes. The most stand-out trait was the large concrete arena. It was likely created for easy cement manipulation from Cementoss. 

"We have no time to waste. Tell me, Midoriya. What are your strong points in fighting? I'm not going to go easy on you just because you don't have a quirk."

"I have high endurance, as well as skills in weaponry."

"Alright, have you already learned the art of capturing yet?"

Kioku shrugged, his hands in his pockets. "I specialize less in rescue, and more in close range combat."

"Alright. We will be specializing in agility, close-range attack, defense, and capturing." Aizawa lifted up his scarf into the air. His quirk was basically useless against Kioku, so he didn't bother activating it. 

Aizawa shifted a lever next to the arena queue. Three doors on each side of the arena slowly opened. Three people walked out onto the arena. 

"Each one of these faux villains specializes in a different area of combat. They've been hired by the hour for practice sparring." Aizawa pressed a button on his wristwatch. "I want to see how you fight them."

Aizawa smirked, stepping out of the way for Kioku to make his way into the arena. 

"Alright, whatever you say." Kioku smirked right back. 

A taller male with purple hair as his defining feature, immediately tried to rush Kioku. His quirk hadn't been super defined yet. 

Kioku turned around, pivoting himself behind the man who charged his way. He kicked under his knees, grabbed his shoulder, and shoved him forward with force. 

The man lifted up his arm in an attempt to block any further attacks, which Kioku was able to identify. The way he maneuvered around seemed to be with agility. 

Kioku dodged a sudden punch, using this opportunity to grab his opponent's arm, swinging him over his head and onto the ground. He hadn't used his quirk, and if he had, Kioku was unable to tell. This was the close-range fighter. 

He didn't have much time to think it over, as the next faux villain revealed her quirk almost immediately. She disappeared and then reappeared beside Kioku. 

By the look of it, she was avoiding any combat. Perhaps her quirk had a drawback.

Kioku began to time the seconds between every time she warped around him. This one would be more challenging, but still easier than the last opponent. It was similar to Whack-A-Mole. 

Kioku whispered the seconds to himself. Once he got to zero, he ran to the opposite side. If he timed correctly, she would warp right to the area he rushed over to. 

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