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Katsuki walked down the street, zoning out so much that his vision was slightly blurred. Luckily he was on a backroad, and hopefully wouldn't run into any poles or pedestrians.

Well...he wasn't exactly walking. He was sprinting.

Chapter 22: Toshinori's Perspective

Approximately one hour earlier...

"It's only fair that I tell you, but the story of Endeavor defeating the Hero Killer was a lie."

Katsuki's eyes narrowed. "What are you trying to tell me, Sensei? Just get to the damn point."

"Midoriya was the one who took the Hero Killer down."

Katsuki pinched his nose bridge, inhaling sharply. Why was he not surprised?

"He's fine, other than a new minor cuts. It seems that the Hero Killer went out of his way to avoid killing him."

"Do you know the reason?" Katsuki knew he had a feeling when Kioku seemed to recognize the Hero Killer's face. Based on his over-reaction, it was safe to assume that they'd met before. 

"I know it's heavy stuff. I probably shouldn't be dumping all of this information on you, but I can tell that you have a strong connection with Midoriya."

Katsuki had nothing else to say. Why was Aizawa dodging his question?

"You may leave?" 

Did Aizawa not know the answer either? 

Katsuki decided not to ask any further questions.

Katsuki walked down the street, zoning out so much that his vision was slightly blurred. Luckily he was on a backroad, and hopefully wouldn't run into any poles or pedestrians.

Well...he wasn't exactly walking. He was sprinting.

Hosu General Hospital was less than a mile away. 


"You may now enter, sir."

Chizome appeared very different from before. He looked like how Kioku remembered him. His unruly dark hair was tied back in a pathetic excuse of a man bun. It made him look messy.

"This man requested to speak with you. Will you allow him the permission?" Aizawa's eyes screamed 'Please Say No.'

"Only if it's just the two of us."

Aizawa stared at him as if he had lost his mind. 

"Let's let them speak to one-another. C'mon Shota." beckoned Recovery Girl. The guards followed behind.

Aizawa clicked his tongue, knitting his eyebrows together in anger. He glared at Stain, taking in his expressionless face. This idiot better not try to pull anything. 

Aizawa wouldn't let that happen. Kioku was given a small remote-like device that he could press to alarm the staff. 

"C'mon, Shota." He stepped out the door, closing it slowly. He continued to try and peek through the small crack between the wall. This earned a giggle from Recovery Girl.

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